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Pandemic EBT deadline looms for those who need help buying food

The deadline is eight days away for families to apply for a federal program that offers free money to feed children.

If they don’t, tens of millions of dollars will go unused in Spokane.

Last spring, as the COVID-19 pandemic began, lawmakers approved the Pandemic EBT Emergency School Meals Program, which is intended to supplement meals children were missing during school shutdowns by providing extra electronic benefit transfers to those receiving government food assistance.

Parents have until 5 p.m. Sept. 11 to apply for the benefits online at (choose “Pandemic EBT – Emergency School Meals Program” in the Food Assistance section), or by calling the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services at (877) 501-2233.

Many families in Spokane – where more than half of students receive free and reduced-price meals – have not applied.

That was a surprise to state Rep. Marcus Ricelli, who represents the largely lower-income 3rd Legislative District.

“Only 48% of Spokane Public Schools eligible students applied for Pandemic EBT – that is $400 per 4,737 students,” Marcelli posted last week on Twitter, referring to the number of eligible students who have not applied for the aid.

In the area served by Spokane Public Schools, that comes out to almost $2 million left unclaimed.

“It’s tragic if we leave millions of dollars on the table,” Riccelli said. “I would say, we all need help as a community at times. So if you need the help, please don’t be shy about it. Please apply.”

Any family with a child in grades K-12 who is eligible for free or reduced-price school meals – including children who go to a school where meals are free for all students – may apply.

The maximum, one-time benefit is $399 per child. The amount is based on when a family applied for free or reduced-priced meals, or for Basic Food. Pandemic-EBT benefits are based on the number of school days that schools were closed.

Recipients will get an EBT card in the mail to use.

Pandemic-EBT is for all students regardless of citizenship or immigration status.

The application does not require a child’s Social Security number; however, parents or guardians must share the child’s name, date of birth and school or school district.