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Coronavirus Local / State

News >  Further Review

A reluctance to jab: Who has issues with the COVID-19 vaccine

At what point did getting vaccinated for COVID-19 become a political issue? Rumblings about who’s lining up for jabs and who’s running away from them solidified last week when three different national polls showed that more than a third – and nearly half – of Republicans said they don’t plan to be vaccinated. This could have a negative impact on efforts to guide the nation toward “herd immunity.”
Sports >  Gonzaga basketball

Gonzaga-Santa Clara game called off for third time

The Gonzaga and Santa Clara game has been called off for the third time. The teams were scheduled to meet Thursday in Santa Clara, but the Broncos are still dealing with COVID-19 issues. Matchups on Jan. 7 and last Saturday scheduled for the McCarthey Athletic Center also were called off.

News >  Pacific NW

Stolen by COVID: Lives remembered

The following accounts, which make up a fraction of the people who have died of COVID-19 during the pandemic, represent people whose families attributed their deaths to the virus or related complications. The information and photos were drawn from obituaries, news accounts and interviews with family members.