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Washington submits virus vaccine distribution plan to CDC

Syringes of SARS CoV-2 Vaccine for COVID-19 produced by Sinovac are displayed Sept. 24 during a tour of its factory in Beijing.  (Associated Press)
Associated Press

Associated Press

OLYMPIA – Health officials in Washington state said Wednesday they had submitted an interim COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan to the federal government.

The plan transmitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention was sent by last week’s deadline, the Department of Health said.

“We want to emphasize that this is the first version of our plan,” Michele Roberts, Acting Assistant Secretary with executive oversight for COVID-19 vaccines, said in a statement.

State authorities say Washington is ready to distribute and administer the vaccine once it is approved by the Food and Drug Administration and available. The state is working with local government, health care providers and others.

A vaccine will be provided in a phased approach, with people like essential workers, health care workers and people and workers at long-term care facilities having access first.

There have been more than 99,000 confirmed coronavirus cases in Washington state since the pandemic began and more than 2,280 deaths.