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Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge closes

A family walks along a trail at Turnbull Wildlife Refuge Monday, Feb. 8, 2016. (Jesse Tinsley / The Spokesman-Review)

The Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge closed, Thursday.

That is the latest in a series of outdoor-related closures due to the spread of COVID-19. A reopening date has not been set. For updates visit

Meanwhile, Bureau of Land Management land remained open, although area mangers urged people to stay away.

“What we’re telling the public is that if they live in Washington they should read Gov. Jay Inslee’s proclamation and stay at home,” said Lindsey Babcock the Spokane-are field office manager. “If folks are fortunate enough to live next to Fishtrap, that’s great.”

Much of the Colville National Forest remained open. However, developed campgrounds, recreation sites, the Snow Peak Cabin and all restrooms are closed.

“If you visit public lands, we ask that you take extra steps to do so safely and help protect our communities,” state a news release from the forest.

On Thursday, the Mount Hood national Forest closed all recreation areas to the public.