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Free 10-minute parking available in downtown Spokane for curbside delivery and pickup

From staff reports

While bars and restaurants are closed due to COVID-19 restrictions, delivery and curbside pickup is still an option for many businesses, so the city of Spokane has reserved on-street parking in metered areas that allows citizens and delivery drivers to park free for 10 minutes to pick up to-go orders.

Bright yellow signs on parking meters identify those free spaces. More than 700 10-minute placards were placed Tuesday in the core of the city, the city of Spokane said in a news release.

“It is a delicate balance between taking drastic social distancing measures and supporting local businesses. We hope the public will take advantage of the opportunity to #OrderUpSpokane,” Mayor Nadine Woodward said in the release.

Businesses that do not have yellow placards near their locations can request placards by emailing parkspokane@spokanecity. org.

Salvation Army seeks items, help

The Salvation Army of Spokane is seeking the public’s assistance during the coronavirus outbreak.

To assist needy individuals, the Salvation Army is asking for donations of new or unopened items: hand sanitizers (travel size, standard size or large bottles), surgical masks, toilet paper and cleaning supplies (disinfecting wipes, bleach, paper towels, bottles of soap)

To assist with financial gifts, visit CoronavirusResponse or send a check, earmarked “Spokane Coronavirus Response Effort,” to the Salvation Army, 222 E. Indiana Ave., Spokane, WA 99207.

In addition, volunteers are needed in the food bank for four-hour shifts between 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. To volunteer, go to

Pastoral counseling is also available for individuals needing to talk about the impact of the coronavirus or any other concern they have at this time.

All guests and volunteers will have their temperature screened and be required to wash their hands when entering the door, the release said.

For more information, call (509) 325-6810.