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New jobless claims in Washington state remain at ‘unprecedented levels’

More than 2.2 million people have filed initial unemployment claims and the Washington State Employment Security Department has paid out $7.6 billion in benefits since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in the state in March.  (Associated Press)

Laid-off workers in the state filed 40,466 new jobless claims last week as benefit applications remain at unprecedented levels, according to the Washington State Employment Security Department.

Initial unemployment claims increased 42.5% July 5-11 compared with the previous week, the department reported Thursday.

Nearly 706,309 workers filed continued jobless claims last week, a 4.1% decrease from 736,151 claims filed a week prior, according to the department.

“Over the past several weeks we’ve seen new claims continue to fluctuate as the economy moves with the shifting realities of this pandemic,” ESD Commissioner Suzi LeVine said in a statement. “ESD and our workforce partners are committed to supporting both workers and employers as they navigate the changing workforce landscape.”

Accommodation and food services sector saw the greatest number of new claims last week with 4,534, an increase of 47% over the previous week. Health care and social assistance workers filed 3,385 new claims and the retail trade sector filed 3,023, according to the department.

More than 2.2 million people have filed initial unemployment claims and the department has paid out $7.6 billion in benefits since the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in the state in March.

Laid-off workers in Spokane County filed 2,617 new unemployment claims the week ending July 11, a 32% increase compared with 1,998 claims filed the week before, according to the employment security department.

Workers in the county have filed a total of 91,796 initial jobless claims since the pandemic arrived here in March.

Idaho up 11%

Idaho jobless claims also continued an upward trend July 5-11, rising 11% from a week prior, according to the Idaho Department of Labor.

Laid-off workers in Idaho filed 5,458 new claims last week, the department said Thursday.

Accommodation and food services, health care and social assistance, manufacturing and retail accounted for 51% of new claims filed last week.

Idaho workers have filed 172,942 initial claims for unemployment benefits since March.