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With 91 new COVID-19 cases Saturday, Spokane County surpasses 2,000 total

Volunteer nurses gather for instruction before the Spokane Regional Health District conducts curbside COVID-19 testing on July 7 at Holmes Elementary School. The district is still prepping plans for the potential reopen of buildings this fall, but many questions remain.  (DAN PELLE/THE SPOKESMAN-REVIEW)

The Spokane Regional Health District reported 91 new COVID-19 cases in Spokane County on Saturday, the second-highest daily total so far.

It took about four months for the total cases to peak over 1,000, after cases were first reported in the county March 14. But it took less than a month to double the positive cases in the county and pass 2,000 cases. 

The recent increase of cases is a reflection of continued community spread, increased testing capacity and accessibility, according to the health department.

“Recent increases in positive cases without an epidemiological link are signals alerting us to potential community-wide spread that could result in increased hospitalizations and hinder our ability to keep our community open,” Dr. Bob Lutz, Spokane County health officer, said in a news release.

Lutz expressed the importance of continued compliance with recommended public health measures in order to safely reopen and slow the spread of the virus.

People aged between 20-29 account for about 30% of the total cases as of today. And as cases continue to rise, communities of color continue to be disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Pacific Islanders account for about 20% of positive cases, despite making up less than 1% of the county’s total population.