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Spokane COVID-19 cases continue to climb

Spokane County recorded 295 new COVID-19 cases Tuesday, according to the Spokane Regional Health District. Two more residents died from the virus.

Sixty-one people were hospitalized in the county with COVID-19 as of Tuesday, according to the district.

The highest case rate per 100,000 people from March to December belonged to the ZIP code 99001, where Airway Heights Corrections Center operates, according to the district.

Case rates in ZIP codes around the city hovered around 5,000 cases per 100,000 people, while 99001 had a case rate of more than 9,000 per 100,000 people, the district reported.

Meanwhile, the Panhandle Health District recorded 266 new COVID cases Tuesday, following 229 new cases Monday, according to the district’s COVID dashboard.

Panhandle Health has not recorded a COVID death since Saturday.