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Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Heather Lalley

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Many volunteer during down times

After getting pink-slipped from his cement-plant job a week before Christmas, Nick Maloney indulged in some moping. For a week or two, the 27-year-old from Fairborn, Ohio, watched TV, played video games and slept until noon.
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Local woman helps sellers, Realtors prep homes to sell

There's a yellow sticky note on my husband's well-worn recliner in our living room. And one on the framed picture from my son's second birthday party. And there's one stuck on the extra dresser in our bedroom that's taking up too much space near the doorway.
A&E >  Food

Offbeat oatmeal

Have bad childhood flashbacks of oatmeal? Terrorized by memories of that grayish bowl of flavorless glop your mom made you eat before school?

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Winter hook

When your home lines a golf course, this is the time of hibernation. Snow flocks the greens, as unwelcome to die-hard golfers as premature gray hair. Golf carts sit idle. The clubhouse sign says "closed." And yet, there is still life in the area's golf-course communities – even in the cold months of winter.
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Latest laser procedure removes varicose veins without pain

Christy Kerrick-Malen remembers what her mother went through some 20 years ago to get rid of her varicose veins. "It was awful," Kerrick-Malen said. "I think she had over 60 incisions. She had to stay in the hospital. And her recovery at home was miserable."
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All about the kids

It started as a vision scribbled on a napkin two decades ago. In the years since, it has become a reality that has touched the lives of thousands of Inland Northwest children and families.
News >  Spokane

Local leaders express shock, consternation

Around the Inland Northwest on Thursday, politicians, professors and those with ties to Pakistan expressed shock over the assassination of Benazir Bhutto and concern about how her death will affect the Middle East as well as the United States. "It's a sad day for Pakistan," said S.M. Ghazanfar, a Pakistan native and professor emeritus of economics at the University of Idaho. "Whatever has happened certainly is not very good for us here in this country. … This does not help the cause of getting along. It makes more of a bipolar world."
News >  Spokane

Season for another holiday

Mamdouh El-Aarag faces a challenge this time of year as his young children are surrounded by visions of Santa Claus and Christmas trees and mountains of gifts. "Not everybody celebrates it," said El-Aarag, an environmental engineer in Spokane, who is Muslim. Still, his 5-year-old son "expects Santa to come," he said.
News >  Features

Holiday party? Think 4 C’s

Christmas is still several weeks away, but that doesn't mean there isn't plenty of celebrating going on already. Office parties, cocktail parties, dinner parties. Parties are great, but all of those cocktails and nibbles can add up, making you look a bit more Santa-like than you were wishing.
A&E >  Food

Leftovers done right

All that planning, all that shopping, all that cooking. And all you're left with are memories of a tasty meal and a refrigerator full of leftovers. But you don't need to eat reruns of Thanksgiving dinner every night for the next week. There are plenty of creative dishes to be made with leftover turkey, cranberries, stuffing and veggies. Here are some recipes that are so good, they'll make you thankful for leftovers: Here are some more recipes to help you reinvent your leftover Thanksgiving staples into soups, casseroles, salad and even dessert.
News >  Features

Uneasy breathing

A few weeks ago, during the height of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it was hard to go anywhere without seeing a sea of pink. Pink Campbell's Soup cans at the grocery store. Pink mixers, potholders and spatulas at cookware shops. Pink ribbons on, well, just about everything.
A&E >  Food

Delish delivery

Over the river and through the wood To grandmother's house we go
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A Pleasant ending

The house is beautiful, decorated in rich earth tones and dotted with Mission-style pieces. Yet its residents will likely stay here just a few days, in some cases mere hours.
News >  Home

Jailhouse chic

Kris Fiala loves her newly reupholstered couch. And it makes for a great conversation piece, too. She bought the sofa for a few hundred dollars off Craigslist, and then had it re-covered by inmates. Yes, inmates. From Airway Heights Corrections Center. "It's gorgeous," says Fiala, a 44-year-old Spokane resident. "They did a super job. It's beautiful."
News >  Features

Oh, Baby!

There are times you wonder, what are the babies thinking? This is one of those times, as the babies sit in their strollers and watch while their moms run up and down the stairs at NorthTown Mall, do push-ups on the benches and do squats with giant elastic bands. What must those babies be thinking?
A&E >  Food

Nuts about Green Bluff

When families pack into the car and head up to Green Bluff this time of year, they're usually on the prowl for apples, pumpkins or gourds. But there's another kind of fruit growing on Green Bluff's trees, only this one doesn't get the star billing of the others: Nuts.
News >  Features

Drain a vein for the INBC

The Inland Northwest Blood Center is getting into the Halloween spirit with a "Vein Drain" blood drive. The drive, which started Monday, continues today and Wednesday in Spokane, Spokane Valley and Coeur d'Alene. Here's where you can "starve a vampire" by donating some blood (and also go trick-or-treating for a "vein drain" T-shirt):
News >  Features

Door-to-door tricks

Gentle trick-or-treaters, to steal a phrase from Miss Manners, please be respectful this Halloween. Sure, you're tromping door-to-door, begging for candy under the not-so-thinly veiled threat of inflicting mayhem. Sure, you might even be wearing a bloody mask and carrying a scythe. But this is no time to lose all sense of decorum and civility. Yes, that means you, you too-late doorbell ringer, you garden trampler, you candy hogger.
News >  Features

Counseling program for veterans available at WSU

Counseling services for veterans and their families will be available through a new program at Washington State University in Pullman. The Services for Veterans and Families program, which opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony on Friday, will offer individual and group counseling, marriage therapy, psychological evaluations, and post-traumatic stress disorder testing.