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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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Sports >  Outdoors

First step

A blue heron takes off from a set of lily pads at Fernan Lake on Friday in this photo by Mark Hendrickson.
Sports >  Outdoors

Midstokke: Not all rules are meant to be broken

There is a mythical land beyond the invisible boundaries of our neighborhood, a place where rules don’t apply and lawlessness is the sweet reward of those who plow their own roads and take their own trash to the dump. It’s a place where red tape is unheard of, Tyvek counts as siding, and nobody is coming to see if your Grassed Infiltration Area meets volume requirements.

Sports >  Outdoors

Ammi Midstokke: A house of clocks

My grandmother liked clocks. In fact, I’d say she had a sort of fascination with timekeeping, as if it was responsible for her productivity or a marker of her success.
Sports >  Outdoors

Grab and go

An osprey plucks a trout from Fernan Lake in this April 12 photo by Mark Stoeser.