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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Jon Snyder

A candidate for Spokane City Council dist. 2, City of Spokane in the 2013 Washington Primary Election, Aug. 6

Age: 55

City: Spokane, WA

Occupation: City Council member and former owner of a monthly outdoor magazine

Career: City Council member and former publisher of the Go Green Directory and Out There Monthly magazine, which is focused on outdoor recreation. Founder and first board chairman of KYRS Thin Air Community Radio.

Education: Graduated from Lewis and Clark High School in 1987. Earned bachelor’s degree from Evergreen State College in 1991.

Political experience: Won current Spokane City Council term in 2009. Serves on Washington Traffic Safety Commission, Aging and Long Term Care of Eastern Washington board and Spokane Regional Health District board. Formerly served as Spokane Regional Transportation Council member and Spokane Transit Authority board.

Family: Married. Has two school-age children.

Contact information

Race Results

Candidate Votes Pct
Jon Snyder 7,267 55.49%
John Ahern 3,190 24.36%
LaVerne Biel 2,640 20.16%

Details & headlines

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