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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883


Election Results

Candidate Votes Pct
Jay Inslee (D) 1,460,770 51.22%
Rob McKenna (R) 1,391,168 48.78%

* Race percentages are calculated with data from the Secretary of State's Office, which omits write-in votes from its calculations when there are too few to affect the outcome. The Spokane County Auditor's Office may have slightly different percentages than are reflected here because its figures include any write-in votes.

About the Race

The race between Democrat Jay Inslee and Republican Rob McKenna pits two lawyers and experience politicians against each other in a battle to replace Gov. Chris Gregoire, who is retiring. Though they’ve got to great lengths to draw distinctions between each other, many of their key issues and positions are similar. The governor serves as chief executive for the state with veto power over legislation, appointment power to the state’s numerous boards, commissions and agencies, and to fill judicial openings. Serves four-year term with no term-limits although only one person has ever served more than two terms. Annual salary $166,891, plus health care, pension, official residence, staff, security.

The Candidates

Jay Inslee

Bainbridge Island, Washington

Education: Earned bachelor’s degree from University of Washington; earned law degree from Willamette University Law School.

Work experience: Former prosecuting attorney, author.

Political experience: Elected governor in 2012 and 2016; member of state Legislature, 1989-92; member U.S. House 1993-94; 1999-2012. Ran for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, but dropped out before any primary or caucus.

Family: Married to Trudi Inslee. Has three children.

Campaign financing: Raised $6.7 million in contributions as of Oct. 2, 2020, according to the state Public Disclosure Commission, including almost $1.4 million from state Democratic Central Committee and $328,000 in small contributions under $25. 

Rob McKenna

Bellevue, WA

NOTABLE: Currently finishing his second term as Washington’s attorney general; former King County councilman.

Complete Coverage

Pot leaving Washington is federal concern

OLYMPIA – State officials are trying to convince the federal government they can keep legally grown pot from making its way over the border to Oregon, Idaho or other states as they try to avoid a legal fight over the new marijuana law. “It is our responsibility to show the federal government we will be a responsible entity,” Gov. Jay Inslee said Thursday.

Feds examining pot law, Inslee says

OLYMPIA – State officials appear to be hoping for the best while preparing for the worst as Washington and the federal government try to determine how the state will license and regulate legal marijuana. After a meeting in Washington, D.C., with U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder on Tuesday, Gov. Jay Inslee said the nation’s chief legal officer was open to learning more about the law voters passed and the state’s plans to make it work. There were no firm conclusions from their first meeting, Inslee said.

Spin Control: Inslee, GOP hardly exchanging bouquets in early jousting

OLYMPIA – The start of a new Legislature with a new administration is much given over to pomp and ceremony, so it wasn’t too surprising that most of the players aren’t yet bringing their A game when it comes to rhetoric. Still, there were troubling signs that we’re all in for a long, hard slog if the level of debate doesn’t improve at some point soon.

Sunday Spin: Rhetoric can only get better


Inslee wants coal ports, trains studied

OLYMPIA – State and federal agencies studying potential impacts of a new coal terminal near Bellingham must consider the increased train traffic in Spokane and other cities around the state, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee said Thursday. At his first news conference after being sworn in as governor, Inslee also said he supports restrictions on high-capacity magazines as part of comprehensive package to address gun violence, and he’d consider extending temporary taxes due to expire this year as part of a plan to close the state’s projected budget shortfall and increase money for public schools.

New Washington state governor is sworn in

OLYMPIA – The first day of Jay Inslee’s governorship was marked by agreement that Washington needs more jobs but not more taxes, and some disagreements over environmental and social issues.

Governor plays ball before attending Ball

OLYMPIA – There were two inaugural balls in Olympia on Wednesday. One was attended by Gov. Jay Inslee and his wife, other state officials and an estimated 3,000 other folks, men mostly in formal coat and tie – and a few kilts – and women mostly in long dresses and a few furs.

Inauguration Day: The full speeches


Inslee: I’ll be there for Hoopfest


Inslee sworn in


WA Lege Day 3: Inauguration Day


Gregoire offers parting words

OLYMPIA – In her last speech to a Legislature with which she sometimes fought, Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire said they accomplished much over the last eight years, but still have much left to do. Don’t rest on your laurels, she said on her last full day in office; give the state better schools and roads. And, in a message that may have little traction with her replacement or the Republican-dominated coalition that runs the Senate, she suggested they may have to raise taxes to get the important things done.

Budget remains pressing issue in new legislative session

OLYMPIA – A new year, a new Legislature, a new administration – and maybe some new ideas to solve some old, familiar problems. That may be the best way to sum up the Washington legislative session that opens at noon Monday and probably gets down to business in earnest sometime Thursday after ceremonial swearings-in, speeches from an outgoing and an incoming governor, inaugural festivities and settling the question of who’s in charge in the state Senate.

Inslee won’t rule out tax hikes

OLYMPIA – The Legislature should consider a wide range of options in a search to increase gun safety and reduce the threat of violence, Gov.-elect Jay Inslee said Thursday. “There is no panacea, no one solution,” Inslee said at a news conference during a preview of the upcoming legislative session sponsored by the Associated Press. “But that’s not a reason for inaction.”