Spent a few minutes at lunchtime today watching people hide Easter eggs on the grounds outside the Emilie Court assisted living facility on Eighth Avenue. In all, there were 1,200 plastic treat-containing eggs, I was told. This, of course, was the calm before the storm.…
This is J. Percy Priest Lake in Tennessee. According to what I read, it's a reservoir near Nashville. It is named after a guy who was a teacher before going to work for a newspaper. Having thusly acquired a taste for goofing off, he then…
Ladies and gentlemen, Gen. Jack Ripper. www.gonemovies.com "I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."
I do. It made for an entertaining outing with friends. I think the last time I smoked a cigar was at Playfair, back around 1988 or 1989. It was a fun way to wager small amounts and assure companions that you had a fool-proof system.…
Earlier this week, the good people in the newspaper's HR department sent out a notice of amendments to the SR Employee Handbook. You are supposed to sign and return a form indicating that you read the notice. I haven't done it yet. "What are you…
My rain hat is a Detroit Tigers cap. I've been wearing one now and then for years. But this morning, walking over to my accountant's office a few blocks away on Riverside, a question occurred to me for the first time. Is someone going to…
Do you make assumptions about someone's intelligence on the basis of how that person's laugh sounds? It's probably not a wise practice. I have known some smart people whose laughter sounded like chickens and/or drowning victims going down for the last time.
One of the angriest calls I have ever gotten came in response to my suggestion years ago that not everyone looks great in a cowboy hat. The reader was experiencing volcanic rage. Really amazing. But I stand by my statement. www.cowboysindians.com
And he or she will immediately begin to take liberties with the published route and schedule. But that's nothing. In the hands of action-craving children, there tends to be an appalling number of accidents. At least that's the way it used to be. www.adsoftheworld.com
The good old days weren't all that great for everybody. That's why it is dangerous to get caught up in thinking that everything about the way things used to be was superior to life today. It could be argued that tomatoes and watermelons tasted better.…
A person hosting a visitor from out of town -- someone who hasn't been here before -- is hearing the guest say, "Uh, I thought you said this was the dry side of the state."
The Internet doesn't really let you grow older normally. That's because the Web can freeze you in your youth. At least it can if there are ancient photos floating around. I thought of that the other day after I got a note from a woman…
It's possible to consider yourself a bicyclist and not enjoy beer that tastes like aspirin-flavored liquid tar. There seems to be some confusion about this. So I wanted to clear it up.
The following passage appeared in a book review published in The New York Times this week. "...when she was 26, hiking alone on the Pacific Crest Trail from the Mojave Desert through California and Oregon to Washingon State." Now I ask you. Is there any…
"I remember growing up with a 10-party phone line on Five Mile Prairie," wrote Phyllis Rollins. "The ring for our home was four shorts. You had to listen carefully before answering as we also heard all the other rings." "Our ring was two longs and…