Seeing that B.B. King will be appearing at one of the casinos this week reminded me that I owe him a few bucks. About 40 years ago, when I was in high school, two friends and I snuck into his concert at the University of…
Approximately 100 percent of the time that readers counsel me to stay away from controversial topics, it is in response to the expression of an opinion in The Slice with which they do not agree. Of course, the thing some readers don't realize is that…
Ever looked carefully at a map of a place where you lived as a kid and realized the area had several interesting natural and historical attractions -- all of which were not on your radar when you were a child?
What are your memories? We didn't have proms when I was in high school in the 1970s. They were considered too corporate or something. There were teachers and administrators who interpreted this as student apathy. But that wasn't quite right. We cared deeply about not…
If you don't use a certain bedroom ceiling fan during the winter, you will want to carefully dust the blades before firing it up again in the spring. You already knew that. But if you don't have a handy tarp to place over the bed…
What do you think when you see that? A) "How cute." B) "Isn't that actually illegal in Washington?" C) "It's probably not all that safe but I know the dogs love it." D) "The driver must not be especially familiar with the concept of sudden…
Some time before next Saturday, someone will call me or send an email asking if I knew that a Montana horse named Spokane won the Kentucky Derby in 1889. As it happens, I do know that. But it's never a bad idea to review.
If you are still half asleep when you first look out a window early in the morning, it's possible to momentarily think it rained overnight when, in fact, you were just seeing a puddle created by the automatic sprinkler system.
A state public relations official in Boise sent me a note saying they like to think of the state more in terms of James Bond than "Deliverance," which I referred to yesterday in a blog post. Then there was this.
A colleague's daughter had wisdom teeth extracted today. Apparently when the girl started to come around after the procedure, she was convinced that her tongue had been removed and that her mother was an imposter. How have people in your family acted when coming out… During the time that my father was stationed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in the 1960s, my family lived in a nondescript suburb outside Dayton, Ohio. One afternoon, a rumor circulated among the boys on our street that a major league baseball player was…
Never mind being realistic. Pay no attention to market sustainability or seats-filling logic. This is just making a wish. If you could wave your magic wand and create a daily nonstop flight from Spokane to any city in the U.S. or Canada, what destination city…
I'll have a couple of entertaining answers to that question about when an organization's email address conventions create unintended results. Here's one I didn't feel comfortable using in print because I thought the person named might actually see it and I don't wish to appear…
I suppose many of us are masters of at least a few trivia categories. For instance, I have fairly decent familiarity with a couple of limited aspects of sports and pop music. But I have often thought I would gladly trade that knowledge for an…
Two things we could live without: TV weathercasters who feel a need to decide for the rest of us what is or isn't a pretty day. And people who think big band music and easy listening are the same thing.
Regular visitors to this little dance party might recall when I mentioned that my rain hat is a Detroit Tigers cap. That was before the start of the baseball season. At that time I noted my concern that wearing this hat might invite strangers to…
Slice reader Gordon Hensley brought this up. And it made me wonder. How old would you have to be to recall when all filling stations were full-service?