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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

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News >  Family

Should you crate your dog? It’s complicated.

I sometimes refer to my dog’s crate as his apartment. It’s large enough that I can fit in there with him (sized for “extra large” dogs, while he is “medium” sized) and it’s outfitted with a memory foam dog bed, two pillows, and a sherpa blanket. He likes to hang out in there with the door open during the day, and if I need to leave him home alone, he races in at the mention of “crate,” knowing that once he gets there he’ll get a treat. Still, whenever I close the door and lock him inside, I’m met with a wave of guilt. Is it OK to keep a sentient being cooped up like that, even if only for a few hours?
News >  Family

Debra-Lynn B. Hook: Learning to ask for help

It takes not just a village but apparently several overlapping villages to keep a human alive. For my purposes, it takes my people. My daughter’s people. My sons’ people. It takes my doctors, the bank lady, my haircutter, my therapist, my friend who makes me breakfast, my other friend who makes me dinner, the people who run the local food co-op, the woman who leads meditation, the pharmacist I ...