Expo '74: 1974 and Present day
2014 marks the 40th anniversary of Expo '74. Take a look at a comparison of Expo sites in 1974 and 2014.
Section:Then & Now
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Photo Archive
| The Spokesman-Review
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Jesse Tinsley
| The Spokesman-Review
A star shell bursts behind the United States Pavilion during a fireworks display at the Expo 74' World's Fair. The Pavilion, whose theme is "Man and Nature, One and Indivisible," prominently features the worlds of a Suquamish Indian chief who rebukes a delegation of white settlers who wanted to buy his land more than a century ago.
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Photo Archive
| The Spokesman-Review
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Jesse Tinsley
| The Spokesman-Review
President Nixon speaks at the opening ceremonies of Expo '74.
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Photo Archive
| The Spokesman-Review
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Jesse Tinsley
| The Spokesman-Review
The south channel of the Spokane River was the focal point. At right, floats rest in the river as masses of balloons are released. Below is another view, showing the state pavilion at right, in front of which are dignitary and press areas.
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Photo Archive
| The Spokesman-Review
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Jesse Tinsley
| The Spokesman-Review
The A&W Sky Ride was a popular attraction at Expo '74.
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Photo Archive
| The Spokesman-Review
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Colin Mulvany
| The Spokesman-Review
The bright lights of the world's fair create a riot of color in the heart of Spokane against a backdrop of nighttime sky. This view, looking northeast, focuses on Havermale Island, with the shimmering canopy of the United States Pavilion rising like the glowing cone of a live volcano from the center of the 100-acre fairgrounds.
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