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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Washington records

Spokane County

Marriage licenses

Kenneth J. Walton, of Airway Heights, and Sofia M. U. Williams, of Fairchild Air Force Base.

Randy O. Keller and Brianna R. M. Davis, both of Liberty Lake.

Robert A. Schultz, of Spokane, and Lori E. Medak, of Portland.

Luke R. Qualey and Sophie M. Morse, both of Spokane.

Cyrus J. Colliton, of Sierra Vista, Ariz., and Haley M. Hill, of Spokane.

Steven J. Johnson and Taylor J. Patrick, both of Coeur d’ Alene.

Brett Leslie Birge, of Post Falls, and Purity M. Nganga, of Spokane Valley.

In the courts

Superior courts

New suits

FR Bach II Housing LLC v. Martin Nixon, restitution of premises.

Catholic Housing Services of Eastern Wash. v. Jon Fischer, et al., restitution of premises.

Windermere Equity Brokers LLC v. Cassie Davisson, et al., restitution of premises.

American Capital Realty Group Inc. v. Makary Yaroshuk, et al., restitution of premises.

US Bank National Association v. Christopher S. Rademacher, money claimed owed.

Discovery Bank v. Joe Poole, money claimed owed.

Discovery Bank v. Michealla Gemmrig, money claimed owed.

Prestige Financial Services Inc. v. Vinesa Faaogea, money claimed owed.

Janie Wildman v. Shatel Wildman and Joann Jeanneret, complaint.

Marriage dissolutions granted

Breitkreutz, Michael and Cyndie

Grecu, Irina D. and Ian

Harris, Mathew and Melinda

Miller, Jimmie W. and Marlowe B.

Hanes, Wendy J. and John H., Jr.

Brundige, Jerry and Karla

Kirkpatrick, Denise and Kelly

Wills, Dale and Katelynn

Cochran, Cori and William

Johnson, Sean C. and Strong, Jordan R.

Lee, Isaac C. and Simone

Salgado Vargas, Benjamin and Lefever, Selina

Stafford, Lance and Kari M.

Criminal sentencings

Judge Michelle D. Szambelan

John L. Swiger, 27; 22 months in prison, 18 months of probation, after pleading guilty to vehicular assault and forgery.

Sean Driver, also known as Sean M. Jackson, Jeff S. Johnson and Jeffrey M. Price, 48; 22 months in prison, after pleading guilty to attempting to elude a police vehicle.

Anthony W. Newkirk, 31; 24 months of probation, after pleading guilty to second-degree taking a motor vehicle without permission.

Tyler J. Mackin, 24; 24 months of probation, after pleading guilty to second-degree burglary.

Orry L. Adams, 30; 69 days in jail, 12 months of probation, after pleading guilty to criminal mischief.

Judge Jacquelyn M. High-Edward

Ian Lemley, also known as Ian F. Lemely, 33; 216 days in day with credit given for 216 days served, after being found guilty of reckless driving.

Federal court

Municipal and District courts

Only fines of $500 or more included unless a jail sentence is given.

Judge Kristin C. O’Sullivan

Chase J. Earl-West, 35; 30 days in jail, first-degree criminal trespassing.

Judge Mary C. Logan

Brandon J. Lewis, 30; 19 days in jail, protection order violation.

De’Armin Z. McDaniel, 35; 11 days in jail, fourth-degree assault and stalking.

Judge Patti M. Walker

Lindsay R. Murphy, 42; one day in jail with credit given for one day served, driving while intoxicated amended to first-degree reckless driving.

Thomas R. McKeever, 40; six months of probation, driving while intoxicated.

Heather F. Hern, 36; seven days in jail with credit given for seven days served, third-degree driving with a suspended license and reckless driving.

Nathan P. Howard, 36; 15 days in jail, first-degree negligent driving.

Yvonne M. Montes, 35; 11 days in jail with credit given for 11 days served, fourth-degree assault, third-degree theft and obstruction of a law enforcement officer.

Esther Y. Kamuasi, 28; 30 days in jail with credit given for 30 days served, reckless driving.

Brian J. Hartnett, 53; one day in jail with credit given for one day served, 24 months of probation, driving while intoxicated and third-degree driving with a suspended license.

Judge Richard M. Leland

Michael R. Ruth, 61; 60 months of probation, driving while intoxicated, operating a vehicle without ignition interlock and third-degree driving with a suspended license.

Ilyshua J. Palm, 33; $250 fine, 12 months of probation, driving while intoxicated amended to reckless driving

Randi M. Shepard, 36; two days in jail with credit given for two days served, making a false statement to a public servant.

Connor I. Slingerland, 22; 24 months of probation, driving while intoxicated amended to reckless driving.