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2025 James Beard Award semifinalists include 16 WA restaurants

By Bethany Jean Clement Seattle Times

The James Beard Awards announced its 2025 semifinalists Wednesday morning, with the Seattle area getting 16 spots for candidates in the Oscars of the restaurant world.

Finalists will be announced April 2. The question on local minds: whether any medals will come home after the June 16 awards ceremony in Chicago – as the state of Washington has been shut out at the Beards for the past three years. This time around, local candidates are missing from three major categories in the long list: Outstanding Chef, Outstanding Restaurant and Emerging Chef.

With congrats to all represented – and to their teams – here’s the full list of local semifinalists:

Outstanding Restaurateur

Quynh-Vy and Yenvy Pham of Phở Bắc Súp Shop, Phởcific Standard Time and the Boat in Seattle

Best New Restaurant

Atoma in Seattle

FamilyFriend in Seattle

Outstanding Bakery

Saint Bread in Seattle

Outstanding Hospitality

Archipelago in Seattle

Outstanding Wine and Other Beverages Program

Ltd Edition Sushi in Seattle

Best Chef: Northwest and Pacific

Janet Becerra of Pancita in Seattle

Jay Blackinton of Houlme on Orcas Island

Logan Cox of Homer in Seattle

Aisha Ibrahim of Canlis in Seattle

Ajay Panicker of Kathakali in Kirkland

Jun Takai of Takai by Kashiba in Bellevue

Outstanding Bar

Roquette in Seattle

Best New Bar

Sophon in Seattle

Outstanding Professional in Beverage Service

Linda Milagros Violago of Canlis in Seattle

Outstanding Professional in Cocktail Service

Anu Apte of Rob Roy in Seattle