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Letter for Jan. 20
Moral standards
The first action of the Idaho House of Representatives in 2025, HJM001, sponsored by Rep. Heather Scott, “expresses the Idaho Legislature’s commitment to restoring the definition of marriage as a union between one man and one woman, urging the Supreme Court to reconsider the Obergefell v. Hodges decision and return authority over marriage laws to the states and their citizens.” Heather Scott has publicly stated that LGBTQ supporters are waging “a war of perversion against our children.” And I suppose she believes this Joint Memorial will bring decency and morality back to Idaho.
Yet, in 2022, when Rep. Aaron von Ehrlinger was arrested and ultimately found guilty of raping a 19-year-old legislative intern, Heather Scott was among the Republicans happy to shame and disgrace the intern bringing the allegation, saying that the intern was a part of a “blatant, liberal smear job.” Does that sound very decent and moral to you?
Heather Scott does not know the difference between decency and injustice to get what she wants. She has no business judging others on their lifestyle choices. Not only is this Joint Memorial a total disgrace to our LGBTQ+ Idahoans, but it also shames our entire state. Heather, shouldn’t you concentrate on property tax relief and adequately funding public schools? Well, maybe not, after all, last year you spent a significant amount of time worrying about cannibalism. It is going to be a very long session.
Heather Stout
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