Man, woman charged with child abuse after toddler found with fractured skull, spine

A man and his girlfriend are accused of child abuse after the woman’s 1½-year-old daughter was diagnosed with a fractured skull and spine, burn marks and bruising all over her body, according to court documents.
Calvin R. Brewer, 29, was charged on suspicion of first- and second-degree child assault and first-degree criminal mistreatment. Leanna M. Paulson, 28, was charged with first-degree criminal mistreatment for her alleged role.
Firefighters were dispatched Feb. 14 to a Newman Lake home after Paulson’s estranged husband reported their toddler was in and out of consciousness and had labored breathing and severe bruising, according to court records. The child was taken to Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center.
The man had just picked up his daughter from Paulson’s South Hill residence and drove her home to Newman Lake. When he got home, he noticed a large burn on his daughter’s chest when he was changing her clothes.
Paulson told him the toddler struck her face on the railing of her crib and she witnessed her “ragdolling” herself around and injuring herself, documents say. Paulson did not inform her ex of the severity of the injuries the night of Feb. 14 when he picked her up from Paulson’s apartment, according to documents.
He told police that two days before, on Feb. 12, he noticed small bruising on his daughter’s cheeks. He said Paulson told him their daughter fell down the stairs, according to documents.
He told police Paulson initially told him her mother was watching their daughter when she sustained her injuries. A short time after law enforcement arrived at the hospital, Paulson texted him it was Brewer who watched her.
A police officer noted bruising on the girl’s arms, legs and face, as well as burn marks on her chest. While speaking with the child’s father, she noticed the baby’s eyes would roll into the back of her head as though she was losing consciousness.
Doctors told police the toddler had a fractured skull, fractured spinal cord and a brain bleed, and would likely need surgery. Doctors told police they believed the injuries were likely the result of child abuse.
A nurse practitioner who treated the child for a respiratory infection Feb. 12 told police the toddler was “largely engaging and playful” and had “perfect neurologic function” that day. The nurse practitioner did observe some bruising, which the mother indicated was from falling on the stairs.
Paulson told police Brewer was watching her child Feb. 7 and messaged her that she had fallen on the stairs, causing a bruise on her cheek.
He was also watching her Feb. 13, and he told her the child hit her face on the crib, which caused her to bleed heavily. Paulson said she noticed swelling and bruising to her daughter’s lips when she returned home.
Brewer again watched her Feb. 14 and messaged Paulson that day that the toddler “hugged” the wall-mounted heater, causing minor burns.
Paulson noticed new bruises on her daughter’s face and gave her back to her ex without warning of how serious the injuries were, she told police.
Police arrested Brewer at his residence for a DUI warrant and interviewed him at the Gardner Building. He told police he watched Paulson’s daughter and one day she fell going up the stairs, which caused a bruise. He also said the toddler “hugged” the heater, which caused a red mark.
He said he and Paulson were home when the toddler hit her face on the crib, but then changed his story and said Paulson was not home, documents say. Brewer couldn’t explain the bruising on the rest of her body, nor the significant head injuries.
In another interview with police, Paulson reportedly admitted lying to her ex in telling him that her mother was the one watching their daughter and that Brewer was the one who watched her for a week. She chose not to have the toddler go to day care because she did not want people at the daycare center to report her for abuse.
She said her daughter was unable to keep her balance, was in and out of consciousness, had a fever and no appetite a day or two before Feb. 14, but did not take her to get medical attention, court records show.
Paulson said her daughter’s injuries scared her and she regretted not taking her to the hospital Feb. 13 or 14.
She said she didn’t tell medical staff about the brain issues her daughter was having because she didn’t want to be accused of abusing her child and she “knew how bad it looked,” she told police.
She acknowledged being suspicious about Brewer abusing the girl and ignored the signs .
Brewer and Paulson made their first appearance Feb. 18 in Spokane County Superior Court and are scheduled for an arraignment Tuesday.