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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

Jimmy's Clubhouse

Celebrate Happy Cat Month

If you’re a cat owner, get ready to party! September is considered by many animal groups to be Happy Cat Month.

The month-long holiday is designed to celebrate all types of felines while encouraging and educating owners to do everything they can to provide good care.

An organization called the CATalyst Council claims credit for starting this worldwide event which has the intent of boosting the health, welfare, and value of companion cats and ensure that their owners have all the tools they need to offer quality physical and mental support.

Various partner organizations suggest starting with direct care, such as regular vet appointments as well as keeping their nails trimmed. Other things that can help a cat’s quality of life can include offering snacks, new toys, and different places to sleep every now and then.

Owners can also boost their knowledge and interest in cats by looking for a local animal-focused organization or shelter to volunteer at, or at least support with supplies or money. And of course, one of the best things you can do to help your local animal community is to adopt one or more!

Not to be left alone, there’s also a similar celebration for dogs. August is considered National Dog Month, and Aug. 26 is considered National Dog Day. Why August? This month is when Sirius, the Dog Star, shines the brightest during the year. It’s also part of the constellation Canis Major, known as the Greater Dog.

Though the doggy holiday has already come and gone for 2024, no one will mind if it continues into September and beyond if you’re the proud owner of a pooch or two, or three…

The same recommendations apply for cats as well as dogs:

  • Give them plenty of love and support.

  • Be aware of their physical health, especially paws and teeth.

  • Be aware of their mental health and look for ways to help them enjoy themselves.

  • Reach out to support other pet-related organizations in your area. There’s no shortage of places that welcome donations, volunteers, foster parents, and forever parents. (You’ll find some on this site!)

  • Look for ways to brighten their lives, like occasional new snacks or new toys.

Whether you’re a dog parent, a cat parent, either, or neither, this time of year is an interesting time for transition in temperature. You’re still going to have warm days but nights are going to start to get chilly again.

This gives you time to get things ready for the colder times, especially if you’re to pet ownership this year. Maybe some extra blankets and bedding so they don’t have to sit on the cooler floor. Maybe some protection, especially for shorter-hair dogs, like booties or sweaters.

We’ll offer more suggestions in future months! Your vet also may offer plenty of pointers to keep everyone comfy, no matter what time of year.