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Letters for Oct. 5, 2024

Dawes for Idaho House seat 6B

We’ve known Kathy Dawes for more than 20 years, both as a well-loved and highly respected teacher in the Moscow School District and then as a tireless advocate in support of legislation and candidates in the best interest of Idahoans. She is thorough in learning about the situations or issues she works on, considers all reasonable solutions and follows through with action.

She works well with others and is especially skillful at bringing people from all political perspectives together. She has worked with the national organization, Braver Angels, as a facilitator, to bring together people with very different beliefs in conversations about what matters to them most, a skill that the Idaho legislature sorely needs.

Kathy believes in supporting public education, voting rights for all Idahoans, and unlike her opponent, Brandon Mitchell, supports our reproductive and healthcare rights. Mitchell, on the other hand, agrees with the extreme legislation that limits our healthcare options and has forced many doctors out of our state.

We are supporting Kathie Dawes for Idaho House seat 6B. We need more legislators like her in our government.

Mac Cantrell and Janice Boughton

Moscow, Idaho

Mathee supports Idaho

Time has come to speak up about issues that affect living in the great state of Idaho. As a resident for 46 years, I’ve experienced quite a few changes. I want residents to study the issues that are impacting all of us. I support Legislative District 1, Karen Mathee, for her background in running a newspaper in a conservative town in Washington and earning the community support by tackling the issues people care most about.

I’m weary of the broken promises Republicans use to avoid lowering my taxes. They don’t seem to care that property taxes are assessed higher than commercial properties. I don’t want to be forced to sell my home to keep up with taxes. Mathee supports increasing the homeowner’s property exemption, lowering our taxes, and using a standard table making it fair and equitable for residents. Mathee supports increasing the grocery tax exemption helping the lower income population. Housing costs are beyond the average worker’s reach. I’ve heard the complaint that people don’t want to work. Most workers cannot pay for their housing working two jobs. I’m voting for Mathee because her experience supports the path to an equitable balance in our community.

Andrea Berliner


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