Construction shifts at Thor-Freya intersections, eastbound I-90 exit 283-B closes

Construction is shifting after weeks of work at Interstate 90 at Thor and Freya streets.
Intersections at Thor Street and Third Avenue, as well as Freya Street and Third Avenue, are set to undergo construction for the next 10 weeks, according to Kirstin Davis, the communications manager for the city of Spokane.
Westbound I-90 exit 283B reopened Friday as eastbound I-90 exit 283B closes ahead of scheduled construction.
Eastbound Third Avenue is closed between Ray Street and Thor Street. Thor Street is down to one lane at Third Avenue.
“We’ve rebuilt the intersections on the north side of the freeway and now we need to build the intersections on the south side of the freeway,” Davis said.
Davis said the intersections are being rebuilt with concrete, which is why construction may take longer than usual.
But she said the wait will be well worth it as the concrete intersections will be more durable and require less maintenance.
Along with concrete intersections, the project includes replacing curb and stormwater facilities, water and sewer replacements, and the creation of wheelchair-accessible ramps for pedestrians crossing the street.
Detours are available at exit 283A at Altamont Street, exit 285 at Sprague Avenue and exit 286 at Broadway Avenue.