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Dear Kiantha: A life is a high price to pay for one political opinion

Dear Kiantha,

My parents and I have been having a pretty heated conversation about the alleged assassination attempt on Donald Trump. I say alleged because I believe it was staged. My parents, on the other hand, swear that this is another example of Democrats attempting to destroy America and anyone who would dare to make her great again. I’m wondering if there is any way I can convince them otherwise.

Dear Friend,

Let’s get right to it: Convincing your parents that this act of violence was not an attempt to destroy America is not worth your time. Why, you ask? Because in fact, it was an attempt to further destroy America and further polarize those with differing political beliefs, and for that we will all pay the price.

It is likely that, like you, those who believe this act of violence was staged by the Republican Party have now gone on hyperdefense to defend the Democratic Party. In the recent days since the shootings, I have seen so many opinions shared about why this “stunt” was nothing more than a political ploy to enrage those who may have been on the fence about who they will vote for in the upcoming election. Many liberal commentators have implied that in some ways, this singular act has the power to steal the moderate vote. Hence, propelling Mr. Trump to victory at the polls.

Conservatives who believe that this heinous act of violence was an attempt by liberals to murder and silence their candidate who is most qualified to make our country great again, have also gone on hyperdefense. Some threatening violence and ready retribution to protect Donald Trump and our great country by any means necessary.

There is also a third narrative, one that suggests that this assassination attempt was the action of a conservative voter disenfranchised with the way Mr. Trump has divided the Republican Party with his extreme views and politics.

Here is what I know for sure: All three narratives distract us from something that matters more than which is true or worthy of convincing others. Simply put, we (Americans) are in serious trouble if what we see as critical in this moment is the need to defend a political party or candidate. One person lost his life, and that number could have easily been more.

The fact that we have become a people that will attempt to murder someone who believes differently than we do is a sad day for us all. One’s life is a high price to pay for one’s opinion. Conservatives and liberals alike are in danger when human life is only as valuable as the beliefs it is connected to.

Soul to Soul,


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