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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

50 years ago in Expo history: Nebraska Day in Spokane and an All-Pro Rodeo were making headlines

 (Spokane Daily Chronicle archives)
By Jim Kershner The Spokesman-Review

The Grand Island (Nebraska) Independent newspaper ran a photo of that state’s governor attending what a caption called “Expo ’74 world’s fair in Seattle for Nebraska Day.”

The Spokesman-Review theorized that this was a mistake or “someone trying to justify his expense account.”

In other Expo news, the Larry Mahan All-Pro Rodeo was in town for Expo, and the S-R noted that one of “Jerry Mariluch’s daily duties is the privilege of patting on the head Mean Oscar, the Brahma (bull) who’s never been ridden.”

Mariluch was the rodeo clown.

From 100 years ago: Fast cars, booze and guns played a role in a wild chase through downtown Spokane.

It all began when a car driven by Anton Ihan, 48, crashed into a car at Second and Stevens. He drove off and nearly hit a woman who was crossing the street with a small child in her arms. He only missed her because another motorist “swung his car in front of the machine, forcing it far enough to one side to avoid maiming the young woman.”

Then Ihan smashed into another car. A Spokane policeman then hopped on to the running board of another machine, “drew alongside and leaped into the wild car, shut off the motor, and grappled with the drunken driver,” who by this time was wielding a loaded revolver.

Ihan was taken to the city jail. “A score of irate motorists” volunteered to testify against him.

Also on this day


1933: All non-Nazi parties are banned in Germany.

1941: 6,000 Lithuanian Jews are exterminated at Viszalsyan Camp.