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The Spokesman-Review Newspaper
Spokane, Washington  Est. May 19, 1883

50 years ago in Expo history: King Cole offered a warm welcome for the less famous man who played a crucial role in bringing the fair to life

 (S-R archives)
By Jim Kershner The Spokesman-Review

Expo ’74 president King Cole took the stage at a fair ceremony to introduce “the man in large measure responsible for Expo’s coming into existence.”

That was William J. Quinn, chairman and CEO of The Milwaukee Road. His importance stemmed from the railroad company’s donation of land for the fair site.

“It’s done my heart and ego a great deal of good to come back to Spokane and Expo,” Quinn said. “I was here when it was more than a gleam in the eye, but very little more, three years ago. When I came back to Chicago after that Spokane trip and told all our railroad officials and my friends that Spokane was contemplating a world’s fair, they thought I was kidding. I said, ‘I’ve been out there and been exposed to those people. They’re not kidding!’ It’s a personal triumph for me to come here and have my judgment of three and one-half years ago so wonderfully vindicated.”

From 100 years ago: A “mad dog” scare had officials concerned in Spirit Lake.

At Silver Beach, an animal was seen biting other dogs and killing chickens. The town marshal was dispatched to shoot the dog. The carcass was sent to Spokane for analysis.

Meanwhile, “two other dogs are being watched and will probably be shot.”

Also on this day


1991: Boris Yeltsin sworn in as first elected President of the Russian Federation.

2012: The American Episcopal Church becomes the first to approve a rite for blessing gay marriages