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Letters for July 7, 2024

Send Baumgartner to Congress

It was 44 years ago that I voted for the first time, and I had the pleasure of casting my ballot for Ronald Reagan. Reagan wasn’t perfect, but he came on the scene when the country needed positive leadership and a new direction. Reagan’s policies spurred business and job growth and lifted the nation back to a leadership role in the international arena making our country safer and more prosperous for a generation.

This year I am pleased to be voting for Mike Baumgartner for U.S. Congress. Mike brings to the job proven leadership, values that represent Eastern Washington and a commonsense approach to getting things done. Mike is fiscally conservative and has public safety as a top priority. Our region needs a problem solver like Mike Baumgartner in Congress so we can all prosper for decades to come.

John R. Pilcher


Please support Peetz

I’m pleased to lend my support to Brandi Peetz for the Washington State Legislature, representing the 4th District.

Brandi’s commitment to her community is unwavering. Through her years of service and advocacy, she has demonstrated a deep understanding of the issues facing our community and a dedication to finding meaningful solutions. Her background in city government and as deputy mayor uniquely positions her to tackle the challenges ahead.

Brandi is a compassionate leader who values inclusivity and diversity. She listens to the concerns of all constituents and will work tirelessly to amplify their voices in Olympia. Her collaborative approach to governance ensures that everyone’s perspectives are heard and considered.

I trust Brandi to champion policies that prioritize the serious issues we face, creating a brighter future for all residents of the 4th District. With her leadership, I am confident that our community will thrive.

Please join me in supporting Brandi Peetz for state Legislature. Together, we can build a stronger, more equitable Washington for generations to come.

Patrick Burch


Lame duck finds conscience

Am I the only one starting to think that as a lame duck, Congresswoman Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers is showing signs of voting her conscience?

Patrick Conley


Find revenue by enforcing the law

The Spokesman-Review ran an article on June 20 about state lawmakers looking to tax delivery of online purchases, citing the need for more revenue to maintain the roads. I have a better idea. The Review has printed my letters about this twice, but nobody in government wants to deal with it. Six months ago, I forwarded a letter to the former mayor and Councilman Bingle and didn’t even get the courtesy of a response.

Start enforcing the laws for starters. Ticket the cars with expired tabs. In the past, I’ve counted over a dozen red 2022 tabs on cars within two blocks. Besides expired tabs, many of these cars have been sitting on the street for months or years. Ticket cars parked facing the wrong way. Any time of the day, driving up Ruby or down Division, I lose count of red and green expired tabs. That’s a lot of revenue the city and state are missing out on. Don’t look to increase or add new taxes, when the city and state are missing out on millions of dollars simply by not enforcing the laws.

Richard Trerise


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