‘It’s my Christmas tradition’: Christmas Bureau volunteer Brigid Krause can’t stop volunteering

Quite a few of the volunteers that keep the Christmas Bureau humming were recruited or trained by former volunteer coordinator Brigid Krause.
After 13 years she has finally handed off the job.
But that doesn’t mean Krause is gone. This year, she was back as a volunteer and signed up for several days as a floater, meaning she filled in where needed.
“Christmas Bureau is in my blood,” she said. “It’s my holiday tradition. I always knew I would come back and volunteer even when it wasn’t my job.”
Being the Christmas Bureau volunteer coordinator is a big job. There are hundreds of volunteers to manage. Some have a lot of experience and would simply let her know what shifts they’d like to work and in what areas. New volunteers have to complete a background check and then be fitted into the schedule. It takes a lot of organization to make sure every slot is filled at all times when the bureau is open to the public.
But to Krause, that work was easy.
“It’s almost harder to be a volunteer,” she said. “Now that I’m actually doing the work, it’s hard. I have a new appreciation for these volunteers.”
There are also perks.
“I get to interact with the recipients, which I didn’t get to do before,” she said. “I get to see the joy on their faces when they find pajamas or a book.”
Last year Krause trained her replacement volunteer coordinator, Shayna Combs. But even though the coordinator job is no longer hers, she can’t imagine not coming to the Christmas Bureau.
“It just warms my heart to be here this time of year,” she said.
Christmas is approaching rapidly, but the amount of donations coming in has slowed a bit. New contributions of $17,835 have brought the year-to-date total to $474,529.68. The goal is to raise $600,000.
An anonymous Spokane donor gave $5,000.
Dan Murphy, of Spokane, donated $2,000.
Larry and Mary Soehren, of Spokane, gave $1,000. “Please accept this gift in memory of our parents, Marvin and Helen Soehren, who taught us the importance of philanthropy and community support,” they wrote. “Thank you for the work you all do to make the holidays brighter for so many.”
Pete Forsyth and Kathryn Genteman of Marana, Arizona, donated $1,000 via PayPal “in memory of our brothers, Dave Forsyth and Michael Genteman.” Tom Power contributed $1,000 via PayPal.
Accra-Fab Inc., of Liberty Lake, donated $500. “The incentive was presented to the team at Accra-Fab that if we hit all key metrics for quality and delivery we could buzz cut the hair of the Director of Manufacturing,” wrote Don Billing, director of manufacturing. “We achieved these goals and decided to auction off who would get to wield the clippers and any money raised would be donated to charity. The hair was cut during our company Christmas party on Monday, Dec. 16. We chose the SR Christmas Fund that directly supports our community – Merry Christmas from the team at Accra-Fab!”
Joe and Jeanie Hensley, of Spokane, gave $500, writing “Christmas love to all.” Mike and Marge Otis, of Spokane Valley, sent $500. Roofers Local #189 donated $500. Kevin Blanchat, of Peoria, Arizona, contributed $500. Tim Quirk and Sally Bulger Quirk donated $500. Paul Vuletich sent $500 via PayPal. Mike and Sydney Perrizo gave $500 via PayPal “in memory of Lee and Diane Bergstrom.”
Peter and Mary Lou Bach, of Spokane, sent $400. “We hope this donation helps make someone’s Christmas brighter,” they wrote.
John and Sherry Gaiser, of Spokane, contributed $210.
Barry Benoit, of Hauser, Idaho, contributed $200. Jerry, Dawn and Megan Goertz, of Medical Lake, gave $200. “Once again, we are blessed to contribute to the 2024 Spokesman-Review Christmas Fund,” they wrote. “As long-time donors to the fund we hope to spread a little cheer this holiday season. Please find our donation of $200 in memory of our past family and friends that are no longer with us.”
An anonymous Spokane donor sent $200, writing “A special thank you to all the volunteers that make this 75+ year holiday event ‘extra special’ for others in our community who need extra Christmas cheer!” Terry Sorensen, of Spokane, donated $200, writing “In lieu of gifts I’m donating in honor of the Ladies of Latte.”
An anonymous donor sent $200 via PayPal, writing “Many thanks for giving so many people some joy during this time of year.” Dale Soden and Cherylann Taam each donated $200 via PayPal.
Laurie Thiel, of Spokane Valley, donated $150. Dale West, of Deer Park, sent $150.
David McChesney, of Spokane, donated $100. An anonymous Spokane donor sent $100. Kent and Sharon Ohland, of Spokane Valley, gave $100. “This donation is sent to honor our parents, Russ and Helen Inman, and Vern and Jeri Ohland, who were regular contributors to the fund,” they wrote. “We hope it helps to bring a little joy and a special Christmas to those in need!”
The following donors each gave $100 via PayPal: Andrew Forsyth, Marcia Ross, William Mulholland and Craig Blankenstein.
Alison Boggs gave $100 via PayPal “in memory of my mom, who would have loved that every child gets a book.”
Suzanne and Karl Fleming sent $100 via PayPal, writing “Merry Christmas.” Beverly Giff donated $100 via PayPal, writing “And to all, a good night!”
An anonymous Spokane donor gave $70, writing “Thanks for all you do to help families this time of year. And thanks to all the volunteers who make it happen.”
An anonymous Spokane Valley donor sent $60 “honoring great-granddaughter Maeve Grace and Montana Jaymes.”
Ann Vdolek, of Spokane Valley, gave $50. An anonymous Spokane donor sent $50. Pete Wyman, of Spokane, donated $50. Richard Bryant, of Coeur d’Alene, contributed $50 “in honor of all the wonderful volunteers.” Mike Rede donated $50 via PayPal, writing “Thank you for helping people.” An anonymous donor gave $50 via PayPal.
Donelda Hamilton, of Spokane, donated $30.
Jonita Horlen sent $25 via PayPal.
Lauri Monasmith, of Spokane, gave $20. An anonymous donor sent $20.