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Letter for Dec. 16, 2024

Make sprits brighter throughout year

Yes, every little bit helps!

This letter references the Dec. 9 article “Vouchers Make Spirits Brighter.” The spirits of families are currently being lifted by the availability of a $30 grocery voucher to every household through the Christmas Bureau so that families can enjoy a special holiday meal.

The cost of food has continued to be a challenge for struggling families, and this will put some joy into these families’ lives.

The article names the participating grocery stores where these vouchers can be redeemed. But it gives a special “shout-out” to Sage and Jack Dunaway, owners one of the Grocery Outlet stores.

And we can keep the “spirit of giving” alive past this holiday season. In 2025, Congress will try to enact major new tax legislation. Expansions of the Child Tax Credit and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) must be part of it.

The CTC and EITC combined are our most effective tools for fighting poverty for children and families. In 2021, Congress expanded the CTC and EITC, and we saw the largest drop in child poverty recorded. Leaders in Congress will push for more tax breaks for the wealthy next year. But they should also think of struggling families and pass legislation to significantly expand tax credits for workers and families. Write to your member of Congress and ask them to continue making spirits brighter” throughout the year.

Zelda Foxall Seattle

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