Jimmy's Clubhouse
ASK JIMMY! SOS: Toy Rescue Mission! 🐾🚀

Q: Hi Jimmy! I need some advice. My tiny humans are always stealing my toys and playing with them. It’s so annoying! How do I share a house with kiddos that won’t leave my stuff alone? How can I keep them away from my stuff?
Hey Nora,
Oh my dogness, does I hears ya! Dem tiny hoomans, dey’s like sneaky squirrels, always nabbin’ our toys when we isn’t lookin’. Don’t fretts, I gots some tail-waggin’ tips for ya!
Try duh ol’ switcheroos. Find some toys dat lookies like yours but are just for dem. When dey grabs for yous doggo toy, woosh! You does dem a switcheroo wiff a tiny hooman-frenly toy. It’s like magic, but wiff more drool. Dis way, yous toys stay safers, and duh kiddos get dems own stash of fun. It’s a win-sniff-win!
And if all else fails, maybe it time for a doggo-decoy. Leave out a toy yous don’t mind sharin’ - one dat’s maybe not yous top pickers from duh toy bin. When duh tiny hoomans go for it, yous can sneakers away wiff yous real treasures. It a bit like burying yous faves in duh backyard, but wiffout all duh dirt.
‘Member, Nora, sharing yous space wiff tiny hoomans is a big big doggo job, but it’s also sooper dooper fun. Der’s more snuggles, treatoss, and belly rubbies to goes around. Just keep waggin’, and you’s find duh pawfect balance.
Tail wags and happy sniffs,