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Letters for Sept. 20, 2023

Brooks unprepared to run

After reading the article from Sept. 11, “CVSD board candidate says district should forgo levy,” it is evident that this candidate for school board, Jeff Brooks, may live by the motto “Ignorance is Bliss.”

Capturing his thoughts in the article are examples of his profound lack of knowledge, perhaps promoting his lack of awareness: One, while he hasn’t looked at the 200-page budget, he would conduct an audit. Perhaps better stated would have been, after reviewing the CVSD budget in detail, which is available to the public, “These are the changes I would suggest.” Two, while he hasn’t looked at school’s curriculum, he believes it’s to blame for unsatisfactory test scores. Perhaps prior to running for office, one would take time to review district curriculum, available to the public, and make suggested changes. Three, Brooks would favor more homework to keep kids engaged “in and out of the classroom.” His suggestions to encourage parents to monitor homework so assignments are met with enthusiasm? Last, but definitely not least, forgo the levy and watch title, athletics, music, intra-extracurricular, counseling and many other extended programs disappear. Seriously!

Has he weighed the results of his “Ignorance is Bliss” approach or does he just not have the ability to do his homework before he runs for an elected office? Perhaps his responses demonstrate that he simply doesn’t bother? Or doesn’t care? Vote for the incumbents; they’ve done their homework.

Michael O. Pearson


Wake up, protect us from enemies

In remembering about Sept. 11, 2001, I was wondering what our enemies are now thinking about the U.S. We have a Republican holding up around 600 top military promotions, including on our Joint Chiefs of Staff. We have Republicans saying we should not help defend Ukraine by providing money for weapons against a fascist nuclear power. We have Republicans praising Russia and Vladimir Putin. We have Republicans threatening to not fund our federal government, putting our government services at risk and causing a financial default. The Republicans are just following their leader, Trump, who when the Twin Towers were destroyed, was excited that now he had the tallest building in New York.

I wonder if Russia, China, North Korea or others are thinking this could be a good time to do something against our country?

I truly hope the Republicans, including our 5th District representative, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, wake up and take their responsibilities seriously to protect the country from all enemies foreign and domestic.

To everyone, please vote in all elections to make your voice heard and protect our republic.

Joe McIntire


Yes to homeless authority, with conditions

I’m in favor of the regional homeless authority, with certain conditions.

The conditions are that the authority not include any incarceration component and that 50% of any directors be persons with lived experience, meaning those who are homeless or have been homeless or those with experience helping homeless or providing services to address homelessness.

I support an authority that combines resources for proven methods to reduce homelessness, like immediate assistance with food, bathing, clothing, health care and shelter. But especially, the help that gets people on the road to self-sufficiency like help getting a government ID, a valid mailing address, internet access, transportation and a working cell phone.

Most important, I support an authority that combines resources to build more affordable housing.

I do not support an authority that includes an incarceration component. It’s proven that the criminal justice system often exacerbates the homeless problem. Directing homeless funding to incarceration will make the problem worse.

If the money spent incarcerating one person for a year instead be spent intelligently, perhaps 50 homeless people could be on the road to becoming self-sufficient and productive community members. Finally, requiring half the board members have “lived” experience will serve a homeless authority by vetting and helping avoid any proposed policy that is ineffective or counterproductive.

Yes to the regional homeless authority … if … no incarceration component and 50% of directors required to have lived experience.

Tom Topping


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