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Letters for Oct. 15, 2023

Need to elect better people

Idiots, all. First question: Why did House Democrats join with the radical right to oust McCarthy? Isn’t that like cutting off your nose to spite your face? (Idiots.) Couldn’t they just vote “present” and let the Republicans hash it out among themselves? Instead, they took the low road and played the same ol’ zero-sum game that has been the benchmark in Congress for a long time. Too long!

And what did the Republican radicals accomplish with their move? If I understand their goal, exactly what they wanted … anarchy. They have made it clear that they want no government – well, except for the government they control – which feels a whole lot like fascism.

Running (rather than ruining) this country takes understanding and wisdom and balance. It especially takes honorable people. We need some new ones. (Not Idiots.)

When did hiding gold bars in your mattress become a thing? What happened to a person’s word being their bond? That’s gone, too. Long gone. I mean, when they claim that freedom of speech means freedom to lie, it’s obvious that all integrity is dead and buried. I hope to be, too, long before we elect President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho (from the movie “Idiocracy”).

Doug Kaer


Support for Denny Denholm

I am writing to express my wholehearted support for Denny Denholm for Mead School Board. In a time when our community needs thoughtful leadership and representation, Denny stands out as an excellent choice who brings common sense, balance, and a voice for everyone to the forefront.

During Denny’s 25 years on the board, he has fostered a balanced and inclusive educational environment. In a time marked by increasing polarization, Denny’s unwavering dedication to finding common ground and seeking solutions that benefit all students is vital. His vision for our school district reflects a deep understanding of the diverse needs and aspirations of our community.

Furthermore, Denny’s extensive experience and expertise in education, combined with his ability to communicate effectively with various stakeholders, make him the ideal candidate to bridge the gap between different perspectives and ensure that every voice is heard. He has a proven track record of working collaboratively to make informed decisions that prioritize the well-being of our students and the success of our schools.

I urge the Mead community to support Denny Denholm’s re-election and cast their votes in his favor. Let us unite our school district, ensuring that it continues to be a place of excellence and opportunity for all.

Joleen Kane


Vote Yes on Measure 1

Carolyn Holmes’ letter, “Defeat Measure 1” (Oct. 10), is rife with erroneous statements. Ms. Holmes asks us to join the global Compassionate Cities movement. Google it and you’ll find it pertains to palliative and end-of-life care, not homelessness. Then, she accuses Larry Stone and others of wanting to “hide the unhoused from view in an underground bus station.” Spokane has no underground bus station. Also, she accuses them of wanting to build an “unnecessary jail largely to move the unhoused from view.” This is false but don’t take my word for it. Simply visit and see for yourself.

Measure 1 provides funding for much more than a new jail. It provides funding for criminal justice reforms, like therapeutic courts and alternative sentencing options. It provides funding for expanded programs and services, like GED preparation and skills training; mental health and substance abuse treatment; and alternatives to domestic violence. It provides funding so behavioral health teams can deploy with law enforcement. It provides funding for more judges, prosecutors, and public defenders.

Spokane is at a critical crossroads. Do you want to live in a city where you’re safe and free to enjoy life? Or do you want to live in a city where criminals have more rights than you? It’s your choice and it’s important. Get the facts at, then vote yes on Measure 1 and vote for the candidates who support it.

Greer Bacon


Sales tax request bloated

Measure 1 is not about a new jail. That’s the bait local politicians want you to swallow. If it was just the jail, a 0.1% raise in the sales tax would do the trick. This would raise $850 million over 30 years and pay for the jail, its maintenance, staffing, and mental health professionals. But the wolves got greedy and went for 0.2% because jurisdictions with general fund budget woes dipped their fingers into the pie to fix their spending problem. The extra 0.1% is there to relieve our elected officials’ overspending by using this tax for general fund expenditures, like deputies and police officers, prosecutors, public defenders, jailors and service providers, thus relieving the elected officials of having to spend wisely and budget appropriately.

When I became a county commissioner in 1995, talk of a new jail was ongoing from previous commissions and county bookshelves were filled with million-dollar studies on the best criminal justice solutions. It’s an ongoing problem with no clear solution. Do we need a new jail? More deputies? Probably, but using a bloated regressive sales tax of 0.2% without public input or presenting a specific plan on what the money would be spent for is disrespectful to the citizens who have to pay the price. One thing for sure, though, I won’t hand a bunch of politicians who have failed to reign in their spending a blank check and say, “I trust you! Spend it wisely!” Who in their right mind would do that?

John Roskelley


Mideast war

I read an abbreviated history of Israel. Zionists lobbied the United Nations to create an independent Jewish state. In 1947, against Arab objections, Israel was created. Thus began 76 years of hostilities.

The first “Arab-Israeli war began in 1948. When the war ended, Egypt was given control of Gaza and Jordan took control of the West Bank.

The Six Day War began in 1967. Israel defeated Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Israel took control of Gaza, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank and Golan Heights. Israel annexed Golan Heights in 1981.

Arabs created the Palestinian Liberation Organization in 1964 with the goal of creating a Palestinian State inside Israel just as the U.N. created Israel inside Palestine.

How does anyone rationalize the creation of a new state inside another nation? If the United Nations directed Russia to set up an independent state with its own government and military in Kentucky, would that be acceptable?

The United Nations creation of a new nation located arbitrarily in the Mideast, based on the dreams of a powerful religious group was a mistake. Now, 76 years later, we are left with a festering wound born from an injustice. Netanyahu’s solution is to kill. Will that work better this time than it has worked a hundred times before?

Gilbert Hart


Spokane City Council condemning attacks

On Indigenous Peoples Day, Oct. 9, the Spokane City Council voted unanimously to condemn attacks on Israel. This voting item was not even on the publicly released agenda, meaning there was no public commentary on this matter. This action is actually typical of all City Council members who, despite whatever their differences are, still toe the line of the Spokane business class.

The fight for Palestinian independence has much in common with indigenous efforts for liberation from colonizers all across the world. It is time for the United States, a country, like Israel, built on settler-colonialism and imperialism, as well as being guilty of perpetuating Israeli apartheid, to end all military arms sales to Israel.

The people of Palestine deserve freedom from Israeli apartheid, the horrors of settler colonialism, and genocidal tactics as we are seeing today which are being employed by the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his fascist administration. How Palestine goes about achieving victory in their struggle for liberation is for them to determine, and not the Israeli government or any other country for that matter. Disappointing, but unsurprising, on the Spokane City Council for their vote. There is only a one state solution, and the land belongs to Palestine. It is imperative right now to uplift Palestinians and their voices.

William Neville


Baby angel

I have twice read the Ossello family story (“‘All she knew was love,” Aug. 27) of the birth, brief life and death of their daughter, Harlow Faith. Not only did the family earlier lose Harlow’s twin, but Harlow was born with terminal anencephaly. Their family tragedy was beyond compare.

Harlow was an amazing baby. She clung to the 15½ hours of life given her. Harlow felt the warmth, love and cuddling in her parents’ arms. She knew of her big brother, Tucker, and her grandparents. Harlow responded to touch, she cooed and made the endearing noises that only babies can make. Then God, in His mercy, took baby angel Harlow to her heavenly home and everlasting love. Yes, baby Harlow had valiantly earned her angel wings. She surely did.

Those of us whom have read baby Harlow’s brief life story will remember her. How could you not?

Trudy Zaborski


Curing Spokane is no cure

Elections are coming up, so “Curing Spokane” is being passed around again, propaganda to help re-elect Nadine Woodward. Last election, she promised “not to Seattle Spokane,” but she hasn’t lived up to her promises. Instead, she left the problem to private citizens to manage alone and criticized them for it. She offers no practical plan to deal with this problem that surrounds me from my downtown home. I’m voting for Lisa Brown as a stakeholder in this problem. I want someone who is willing to listen to creative solutions to manage this problem.

Bethany Bruner


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