Northwest Winterfest starts Dec. 1
Northwest Winterfest, which features the region’s brightest and larges illuminated lantern display, begins Dec. 1 at the Spokane County Fair & Expo Center .
Some 22-themed lantern displays will be set in five buildings.
The displays are constructed using a traditional method that dates back about 1,000 years, according a news release.
The show includes performances from several local groups.
Northwest Winterfest starts Dec. 1 and runs select nights until Dec. 31.
For more information, visit
Spokane’s Hamp new Grange leaderChristine “Chris” Hamp of Spokane recently was elected the 24th president at the 157th annual Grange Convention in Niagara Falls, New York.
Hamp becomes the first Grange president from Washington since Albert Goss served from 1941-50.
Hamp is a member of the Tualco and Five Mie Prairie Granges and has served as the national organization’s vice president since 2021. She has also has served as a National Grange officer for more than a decade.
“How awesome would this country be if every community had a strong, vibrant and relevant Grange,” Hamp said in a news release. “Imagine the impact we could make when we prioritize and actively work towards enhancing the experience and value we provide to each and every member of our Granges and of the communities we serve.”
Hamp earned a bachelor’s degree from Western Washington University; a master’s of public administration degree from The George Washington University in Washington, D.C.; and an associate degree fire command administration from Edmonds (Washington) Community College.
Hamp serves on the board of directors of the Quilts of Valor Foundation, which she was appointed to in 2022, after establishing a connection between that group and the National Grange.
Hamp and her husband Duane, a past president of the Washington State Grange, live outside Spokane.
From staff reports