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Letters for May 22, 2023

Endorsing Klitzke

Kitty Klitzke’s candidacy for Spokane City Council is great news for the District 3 race to succeed Karen Stratton (“Environmental advocate Kitty Klitzke announces bid for Spokane City Council,” May 12).

Here is an individual experienced in getting things done in civic affairs to the benefit of everyone, including successfully promoting an expanded transit system for the city and county and leading the adoption of modern standards for sidewalks and bikeways, to name several. How is progress made, particularly in facing both the shortage of affordable housing and the dilemmas of homelessness? “… (B)ring the district’s constituents along during the policy-making process, she said” – to the voters. It’s worked before.

P.S. Thanks for Emry Dinman’s reporting on this candidacy.

Paul Kropp


Spokane Symphony

The afternoon of May 14, my son and I went to the Fox for a Symphony concert. Because I have sung in the Symphony Chorale, I recognized a few players onstage: that cellist, this violinist, that trombonist, our terrific tympanist, our wonderful concertmaster, our inspiring conductor. Then the music started with dancing bows, flying fingers, perfect French horns, brilliant brass all making vibrant music as only a live orchestra performance can create. And because I have been privileged to sing with this group of musicians, it was a bit like being at a family reunion, a big family reunion where all the aunts, uncles and cousins are scintillating, upbeat and fun.

I feel fortunate to live in Spokane where I can go to see and hear a world-class orchestra in a beautiful venue. I want everyone to get tickets for next season and have a grand experience. What a great city!

Sara Duggin


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