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Letters for July 24, 2023

Family events rarely covered

A few weeks ago, our local drag strip held a weekend event showcasing their modernized and updated facility. Also during the same weekend, the Spokane County Fairgrounds held a car show and a parts swap-meet. Neither of these events received any coverage or mention by The Spokesman-Review. This coming weekend (July 21-23) the Fairgrounds will host the Great Northwest Gathering Car Show.

All of these events are fun, friendly and family-oriented. Some of us are tiring of the endless coverage in The Spokesman-Review ignoring large family-fun gatherings and over-covering cultural divisive protest issues and lectures about how bad one-half of Spokane’s population deserves to never be heard.

One-sided letters to the editor and ignoring family events does not make for an honorable or procitizen newspaper.

Ken Hills


Bud Light boycott

I find the shooting and killing of Bud Light cases by mental Kid Rock somewhat entertaining. But I am a little confused, the shooting of these beer cans was to demonstrate his hate for LGBTQ+ people and his disdain for Bud Light for entertaining the thought of treating people with a little respect by supporting LGBTQ+ rights.

I found the example Kid Rock gave by shooting up those cans could have been a commercial for the NRA. The shooting of the cans showed me and others I’m sure an example of what an AR-15 is capable of, one would even call it a weapon of mass destruction, for it seems as every time it has been used in public, more than one person was dead. I also think it was a horrible way to show the parents of those children that were struck from the high-velocity bullets, tearing their bodies apart and in shreds as the cases of Bud Light were destroyed.

Kid Rock in his rant and rage has shown me why those firearms do not belong in the street, to be used on other human beings, let alone children.

Thanks, Kid, for your demonstration, if it was to embarrass Bud Light and set up your confederate followers to boycott Bud, I guess it worked.

I love my weapons too, but that demonstration for the parents of those killed was cruel and unnecessary.

David Salcido

Spokane Valley

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