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Letters for Aug. 28, 2023

New county jail math doesn’t work

I can’t believe that we citizens are being asked to pay $1.7 billion over the next 30 years to fund a new jail that costs $350 million … which my math tells me is approximately only one-fifth of $1.7 billion. Do I need to freshen up on my math?

As I recall, this measure is on the November ballot as a result of Al French and Josh Kerns taking advantage of Mary Kuney’s absence and ramrodding this through just weeks before the county added two new commissioners. This is on the ballot because of two high-handed commissioners who didn’t want input from the other three Commission members.

Our mayor admits the need for a new jail is due in part to the desire to jail more people accused of “life crimes,” including homelessness.

Judge James Murphy, retired, stated in the Vestal article that zero research had been done prior to asking voters to vote for this ill thought-out measure. Zero research according to Murphy. Property taxes keep increasing. Our sales tax is already at 9%.

The current jail is only 40 years old. My house is close to 100 years old and still fine.

This measure has been poorly researched and deserves a “no” vote by every tax-paying citizen in this county.

Carol Johns


Why did the Idaho legislature end the committee?

The answer to the question of why Idaho Republicans eliminated a committee looking into reasons for increased maternal deaths is simple (“Idaho quietly dissolves maternal death committee,” Aug. 6). They know the facts point straight at them.

David Teich

Spokane Valley

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