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Letters for Aug. 14, 2023

Trump’s problems are of his own making

What happened to the Cathy McMorris Rodgers who said that no one was above the law? She is now responding to Donald Trump’s indictments by saying that she is concerned with the possible appearance that investigations may have been politicized. She offers no evidence to support her concern. She is following Trump’s propaganda instead of following the facts. Donald Trump lost an election, used up all legal means to challenge the result, then proceeded to use illegal means to try to change the result, and attempted the overthrow of the Constitution which he had sworn to defend.

Mr. Trump’s problems are of his own making. He was given ample opportunity to return the government documents which he had taken illegally and unlike President Joe Biden and former Vice President Mike Pence, he chose not to do so. That left the government with no choice but to take legal action. He could have acknowledged that he did not win the 2020 election and retired gracefully, instead of calling on people to go the Capitol and fight to disrupt the counting of the electoral college ballots. Again, his conduct left the government with no choice but to take legal action.

Mr. Trump is not being persecuted for his politics, he is being prosecuted for his criminal conduct. To quote our congressional representative: “No one is above the law.”

Michael W. O’Dea


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