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Letters for April 24, 2023

Your vote, your voice

The single most powerful “weapon” we’ve got for protecting our rights is the vote. It’s our voice!

Understand what red flags could be coming our way if a liberal-leaning candidate is voted into office as Mayor of Spokane. A new round of pain will be waiting for us if we choose to elect a mayor with a radical agenda. It will be a turning point for Spokane. Our hard -earned money will go for tax increases to provide the dollars needed to pay for these progressive programs. The mayor and the Spokane City Council can raise your taxes 1% each year without a vote of the taxpayers. No doubt radical changes for Spokane will be problematic. Don’t let this happen; support and vote to retain Mayor Nadine Woodward.

Marlene Larson


Spokane deserves better

I was so saddened to read the coverage last week of Zach Zappone’s texts and emails regarding the redistricting process. Particularly because it took a lawsuit to get evidence of his collusion. I was outraged to see that Tony Hazel looked the other way and did not serve as a check and balance on the legislative branch. Spokane is better than this. Or at least I thought it was.

Ulric Aloysius


Corrupt Zappone and his gerrymandering

Tony Hazel’s ruling last week on the redistricting process is a sad state of affairs for Spokane. Zach Zappone clearly conspired with Betsy Wilkerson and Breean Beggs to get a map that best suits their radical majority. Yet Judge Hazel completely ignored the fact that the Redistricting Commission unanimously recommended a map with minimal changes that kept the districts even to the Spokane City Council. It was the radical majority on City Council, led by Betsy Wilkerson who tossed that map and voted instead for Zappone’s redistricted map. Then to see that Hazel spent a whopping five minutes deliberating this issue?! I’d be laughing if it weren’t such a raw display of political bias from the bench. Spokane deserves better, we have an opportunity to hold Hazel accountable next year when he’s up for reelection. Spokane County needs to get a fair judge on the Superior Court.

Graham Lawrence



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