Coeur d’Alene police identify men involved in shopping center shooting last week

Coeur d’Alene police have identified the two men involved in a shooting at a shopping center that left one man suspected of prowling a vehicle dead and the shooter injured last week.
According to Coeur d’Alene police Capt. Dave Hagar, 74-year-old James Dean, of Priest Lake, was walking back to his truck with his wife after leaving the shopping center on the 200 block of West Canfield Avenue at about 3:30 p.m. Friday when he spotted a man inside the truck. Hagar identified the man as Shane Brown, 30, of Sandpoint.
Dean drew a pistol, which prompted Brown to leave the vehicle and get into another vehicle a few spaces away, Hagar said. Brown left behind some items inside Dean’s truck, he said.
Dean reholstered his pistol while standing near the vehicle, thinking that the confrontation was over, Hagar said.
As someone called 911, the two men continued to talk to each other, Hagar said. Brown then drove his vehicle toward Dean, hitting him and putting him on top of the hood of the vehicle before carrying him 20-30 feet, Hagar said.
While on top of the vehicle, Dean fired his pistol through the window, striking Brown at least once, Hagar said.
Brown crashed into another vehicle in the parking lot, throwing Dean from the hood. Brown got out and was found lying in the parking lot.
Both men were transported to the hospital, where Brown was pronounced dead.
Dean has since been released, according to a hospital spokesperson.
The Kootenai County Coroner’s Office will determine the cause of death . Police are still investigating .