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Letters for Sept. 30, 2022

No evidence of irregularities

It is so sad to see Cathy McMorris Rodgers unable to spit out the words … Trump lost. Period.

As with others in his cult, there are always “irregularities in the election,” but no verified evidence that supports this. Oh yes, there were a few issues, like several GOP voters in Florida voted twice and a guy voted for his deceased grandmother. Pale compared to the total number of votes cast.

CMR has become part of the American problem and not of the solution and needs to be retired.

Bob Sanborn


Response to livestock and federal lands

In his letter, (“Livesock grazing on federal lands,” Sept. 15) Lon Ottosen writes, “public lands need to be managed for the greater good …” On that point, generational ranching families relying on public grazing lands can agree.

In 1934, the Taylor Grazing Act was enacted by Congress to better manage grazing across federal lands. Over time, management objectives have been expanded to address other valued resources of the public lands mosaic, including riparian areas, species (plant and animal) diversity and cultural/historical sites. At every step of the way, grazing permittees have worked hand in hand with agencies and stakeholders to assure a successful outcome for a sustainable future of our treasured public lands.

Just as in political discourse, polarizing statements directed at grazing on these vast and uninhabited spaces do little to resolve ongoing conflict. Rather, ongoing engagement by all users, overseers and other beneficiaries of public lands are improving multiple-use outcomes. These conservation and stewardship initiatives continue to enhance the health, diversity and productivity of public lands and the communities where they are located.

Through these efforts, millions of Americans are able to enjoy year-round access to a wide variety of recreational and learning opportunities on public lands. Let’s recognize the economic benefit of these activities as well instead of disparaging hard working livestock operators who are part of this landscape!

Charles McElligott


Community has role in educating children

Sue Lani Madsen fails to consider several important points in asserting that communities should have the major power in shaping education in their schools (“ ’Everyone has a role to play’ in educating children,” Sept. 15). If a white nationalist community demands that no people of color be served by the school, or that history classes may not mention slavery as the primary cause of the Civil War, is that OK?

If Jews insist that their public school observe only Jewish holidays, how does Madsen respond? If Quakers insist that temperance league meetings be held on school time, and nonmembers can do extra work in math, what does she suggest? How about a Catholic community insisting that all students attend Mass on holy days during school time?

As for communities that are not supportive of education in general and post secondary education in particular, should the schools “go with the flow” or attempt to show the advantages of education? Reflecting one’s community’s thinking has its limits. Elected officials have an obligation to follow the law and sound policy. Making everything political isn’t helpful, although Madsen obviously disagrees with me.

I submit that her whole premise is faulty. People can teach whatever they want at home, but insisting that their wishes override our common educational values and not serving other students well is just unfair. This sounds like another way of trying to return to 1850. No thanks. Our schools should contribute to our national unity and prepare our children for their futures.

Linda Marler


Support for Tom Lamar

I’m writing to support my strong support for Tom Lamar’s candidacy to serve another term as Latah County commissioner. I’ve interacted with Tom in a range of settings (cold mornings with Chinook Masters Swim, collaborations at the Palouse Clearwater Environmental Institute). There is no better public servant in Latah County.

At the most basic level, Tom is one of the most kind, empathetic people I’ve ever known to engage in public policy. He truly cares about the diverse, vibrant local community. He is patient, a good listener and a role model.

Tom to local governance is fiscally conservative, bipartisan, inclusive, collaborative and ethical. At the same time, he manifestly understands the uniqueness of Moscow and the surrounding area. We need wise policies as our regional population grows and pressures increase on our social services, water reserves and other resources. Small communities like Moscow can all too easily turn into a tangle of commercial strips and poorly planned, unsustainable developments. In the long term, we risk turning a neighborly, livable gem of a community into another cautionary tale in bad planning. Tom Lamar is the best possible person to see us through the years of opportunity and challenge ahead. Please give Tom your support in the election.

David Roon

Moscow, Idaho

Considering Gabbard’s affiliation

Sue Lani Madsen speaks admiringly of Democrat Tulsi Gabbard (“Gabbard stays grounded when life gets fragile,” Sept. 22).

She singled out Gabbard’s beliefs that abortion should be safe, legal and rare, that parents and not the government should be responsible for raising their children. Why, Madsen asks, is Gabbard still a Democrat?

Well, the Republican party seems bent on removing abortions from the safety of medical facilities and on classifying them as homicides rather than as legal medical procedures.

Another article in the same S-R issue speaks of right-wing efforts to make it a felony for doctors, presumably whether they have parents’ permission or not, to prescribe puberty blockers or hormone therapy to anyone under the age of 18.

Why is Gabbard still a Democrat? Perhaps she thinks that medical professionals and parents, not the government, should be the ones responsible for making medical decisions.

Edward Reynolds


Support our moms

This year, the week of Sept. 4-10, passed with little attention or fanfare. The week was to recognize maternal suicide. Why did it not get attention locally or even nationally? I don’t have the answer, but I can surmise a guess. Mothers are consistently undervalued, often underpaid and even marginalized for their work as mothers.

This month, a group from Spokane through the Empire Health Foundation, decided to make a difference and value the mothers, elevate their voices and stories, not simply here but in the halls of Congress. We traveled to Washington, D.C., to take part in Mom Congress 2022 and advocate for maternal health and maternal mental health. The data is clear and convincing: Mothers lose their life during childbirth at an alarming rate for an advanced nation. Black and Native American mothers die due to postpartum depression and suicide at three times the rate of non-Hispanic, white mothers. The data, collected between 2017 and 2019, found mental health, including suicide and substance use disorder, was the leading underlying cause of death in 23% of cases. Death from hemorrhaging, cardiac and coronary conditions and infection were the other frequent causes.

These issues, these mothers, deserve our attention. They deserve services and legislation to ensure their very existence. They matter! So we made the trek and ensured our elected officials heard them and their stories and collectively advocated even those of us who aren’t moms like me. It’s time to support moms.

Phillip Tyler


I’ll give you $300

I agree with David Wordinger (“No right to abortion,” Sept. 23) about no right to abortion and if anybody can show me where in the Constitution it says that it is OK to abort babies, I’ll give you $100. If you can also show me where in the Bible does Jesus say that it is OK to kill babies, I’ll give you $200. Just call me and show me.

Randolph Yates


City needs a new housing director

It would seem that the homeless situation and Camp Hope are now reaching epic, out-of-control conditions. This paper in its Sept. 22 issue told of the city’s housing director stepping down by this month’s end. A part of his job was trying to solve the homeless crisis. Finding his replacement may be quite obvious and simple. Spokesman-Review columnist Shawn Vestal has long been a “loud” critic of nearly every proposal set forth by Mayor Woodward or most anyone else. That especially of Sheriff Ozzie. In his Sept. 23 bombast he labels it, “The Ozzie and Nadine show.”

It is obvious: Since Vestal knows everything that won’t work, he surely must know what will work. With his vast knowledge and great concern for the city of Spokane, the City Council should not have to beg Shawn to come aboard to solve this problem, he should speedily and promptly volunteer his flawless services!

Ken Campbell

Deer Park

Maybe math isn’t enough

I have some questions for Mr. Hal Dixon (“How not to teach our kids,” Sept. 21) or anyone who cares to respond on his behalf. Here are two of his verbatim opinions:

Opinion one: “There may be a place to discuss equity, diversity and other left-leaning ideals, but our schools are not that place.”

Opinion two: “I think teaching young people how to read, examine and learn from true history, learn algebra, geometry and calculus are far more important!”

So, here are my questions.

Regarding opinion one, if schools aren’t a place to discuss equity, diversity and progressive ideals, where should they be discussed? At home or through church? At organized neighborhood sit-downs? If the answer is yes, then is this actually happening and in those venues, are young people doing research and sharing their questions and opinions with others?

Regarding opinion two, I wonder if Dixon would elaborate on his definition of “true history?” Asking because it’s possible I have been misled my entire life or, as a parent, misled my child. Would appreciate clarification.

Finally, I agree that higher math is a great thing. Personally, I think young people can also benefit from other topics. Say science, social studies, literature and art of all kinds. Maybe even history.

Per The S-R’s policy of printing just one letter per month from the same contributor, I understand that Dixon’s response, if any, will be at least several weeks away. That’s certainly no reflection on him.

Murray Krow


Mead parents need to flip school board

After the Mead School District board went against the majority of the parents’ wishes to stop the anti-white, racist critical race theory indoctrination and stop the grooming of children for future deviant sexual exploitation, it forces the hand of concerned Mead parents and citizens of the community.

First, this egregious, morally bankrupt and valueless action by the school board means the board must be flipped to reflect the values of the community, not those of the self-hating woke white members of the current board. Organizing has begun.

Second, responsible Mead parents must consider educational alternatives like private home schooling cooperatives until the board is flipped to prevent their children from becoming morally bankrupt and valueless.

The future of our children’s minds is important to us.

Jon Hall


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