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100 years ago in Spokane: Trial proceedings began for the 16 people accused of helping to rig the Maurice Codd murder trial

 (Spokane Daily Chronicle archives)

The first step in the trial of 16 people charged with subornation of perjury and conspiracy took place in a Spokane courtroom.

All 16 were charged with either soliciting false testimony in the Maurice Codd murder trial, or actually giving false testimony.

Attorneys for the defendants, however, argued that the charges were too vague and, in some cases, not applicable at all.

“Your honor, this information is not definite in its charges against the defendants,” an attorney said. “It is indefinite in that it does not state when the conspiracy or subornation of perjury took place. … Such an information is not fair to the defendants, as the state laws provide that every person accused of a crime shall be definitely told what the charges are against him and when he is charged with committing the crime.”

One of the accusations was that Codd’s attorneys paid for bonds and bail for some of the defendants. The defendants’ lawyer said the U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to such bonds and bail.

The judge had not rendered a decision and the hearing continued.

From the hotel beat: Between 7,000 and 8,000 people thronged Lewiston for the opening of the Lewis-Clark Hotel.

The opening was celebrated with a parade and a “pageant of progress,” which depicted the “advancement of the region since the explorers Lewis and Clark arrived here.”

This was a luxury hotel, “financed by Lewiston and Clarkston citizens.” Louis Davenport, head of Spokane’s Davenport Hotel, was on hand to manage the celebration.

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