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Letters for Sept. 26, 2022
Kudos to The Spokesman
As long-time homeowners, we applaud the S-R’s recent front-page article featuring Dr. Mick McGarvey and his 1912 home on Corbin Park (“Sale of Corbin Park house will benefit underrepresented students,” Sept. 18). We have known Mick for many years and have valued not only his friendship, but also his past and ongoing support of our vintage neighborhood. Mick’s roots run deep. He inherited the home from his parents who over 30 years ago actively worked with other residents and the city in establishing Corbin Park as the first local historic district in Spokane.
Today the Corbin Park Historic District remains one of only a few in Washington state to be placed on all three registries of historic places: local, state and national. For over a decade, Mick’s careful and sensitive restoration of his family home has served as the model and inspiration for district homeowners in restoring their own houses. With such dedication we are not surprised that Mick would donate the proceeds from the proposed sale of his home to Reed College to support disadvantaged students.
We are confident that he will pass the home to new owners who will continue to respect and maintain the historic quality and ambiance of this residential district which has long been its tradition.
Mac and Teri McCandless
New traffic nightmare occurs
Kudos to the county for establishing a right turn only out of the Fred Meyer parking lot onto Hastings Road. In doing so, it has eliminated a major accident corridor caused by left turns into oncoming traffic turning onto Hastings from Division. The exit onto Hastings is only 200 feet from the corner and several accidents have occurred over the years. The barrier corrects that flaw.
The only problem associated with the installation of the traffic cones is that drivers who want to turn left now do so immediately after the cones end, resulting in an illegal left turn across a double yellow line, akin to doing a U-turn. Talk about a new traffic nightmare, as cars must brake hard in both directions to avoid these drivers and their blatant, selfish abuse of the law. Shame on them!
Joe Bruno