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Letters for Sept. 22, 2022

GOP lies about IRS

Don’t believe Cathy McMorris Rodgers’ latest fearmongering that the IRS is coming for your money. Read the 2018 article from New York Magazine entitled, “The GOP Gutted the IRS – The Rich Made Out Like Bandits.” Here’s the opening line:

“For much of the last decade, the Republican Party has branded itself as a champion of fiscal responsibility and the rule of law – while doing everything in its power to help rich people steal from the Treasury.”

This bill boosts IRS funding, reverses years of the GOP’s mission to aid and abet wealthy tax avoiders. This revealing article points out that for every $1 spent to enforce tax compliance, it gets back $6 in recovered revenue. A former IRS criminal enforcement officer is quoted: “Due to budget cuts, attrition and a shift in focus, there’s been a collapse in the commitment to take on tax fraud. I believe there are thousands of individuals who have U.S. tax obligations and are not complying with U.S. tax laws.”

That the party inciting violent sedition, based on the Big Lie on Jan. 6, is at it again, should surprise nobody. Let’s replace CMR with an honest public servant.

Bruce Market


Vote Jenny Zappone

I have known Jenny Zappone for many years. As deputy prosecuting attorney, she appeared before me on a regular basis. I can personally vouch for her competence, intelligence and work ethic.

There is something else that makes Jenny an excellent candidate for district court judge. She was reasonable and respectful to all, but always remained steadfast in resolution of cases to be sure people were held accountable and faced consequences for their actions. Opposing counsel knew that she would take a position and not back down. I have seen her address cases in a manner that is both firm and fair, balancing community safety and rehabilitation of the individual.

These are the hallmarks of a good judge. Please join me in voting for Jenny Zappone for district court judge, position 3.

Ellen Kalama Clark

Spokane County Superior Court Judge, retired


Vote for common sense

President John Kennedy said, “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge the truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

What are Idaho Republican lawmakers afraid of? They want to limit access to books that don’t agree with their version of history or that have information on gender issues.

Very young children in Idaho can have their own library card, but their parents must sign for them and agree to take responsibility for what the children check out of the library. It’s the parents, not the Legislature, who should decide what is appropriate for children to read.

Both the Republican incumbents in House District 6 voted for the bill to punish, fine and even jail librarians for letting children have books some legislators think are inappropriate.

Democratic Sen. David Nelson and District 6 candidates, Tim Gresbeck and Trish Carter-Goodheart, believe parents, not lawmakers are in charge of their children’s library choices. Please vote for common sense and parental rights and vote for these Democrats in November.

Linda Ross

Deary, Idaho

Accept the results, GOP

Ever since the last election there has been countless “studies” by GOP-backed groups alleging voter fraud or irregularities. However, in none of those situations has the GOP provided substantive proof in support of these allegations. Despite the lack of proof, each so-called study was followed by a demand of audit for voting results. And without exception, each subsequent investigation revealed that no fraud had occurred. Now we have another.

According to an article in the Aug. 17 Spokesman-Review, the Spokane County Republican party’s, “Election Integrity Committee” has spent a year on what it calls “critical flaws” within the Washington and Spokane County’s election systems. Yet critically, this group is unwilling to provide any proof of the alleged “flaws.” Again, typically, this group has asked for an audit of the 2022 election.

I say, enough already. It’s time for the Republican party to put aside its selfish interest, abandon its belief in the disgraced ex-president, accept the results of the legal election and work for the good of America.

Norman Coffman


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