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Letters for Oct. 31, 2022

Questions for our country

I have a few questions:

How does ending Social Security help the country? How does ending Medicare help the country? How does repeal of the Affordable Care Act help the country? How does disenfranchising women help the country? How does decreasing supplemental nutrition benefits help the country? Anyone?

I’ll wait.

Carol Little

Spokane Valley

Dog park parking solution

I just read about the proposed dog park at Underhill Park. One of the objections to the dog park at that location was the shortage of parking. I also saw this summer that there will be a new dog park, Paws Park, at Riverfront Park near Forestry Shelter on the northeast side of the park. Parking for that dog park could also be an issue.

As a possible solution to these parking issues, I would like to suggest that we may want to follow the model of Eclipse, the Lab mix in Seattle who rode the bus alone to go to the dog park.

She knew what stop to get off and would spend the better part of the day at the park and then return home.

She had a bus pass and was very popular with bus drivers and riders. Unfortunately, Eclipse, who was 10, just passed away.

Might make a lot of sense for Spokane dogs to follow the example of Eclipse and help solve the vehicle parking issues at our dog parks. Most of the buses I’ve seen lately would have more than enough room for a few dogs.

Rick Robinson


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