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Letters for Oct.12, 2022

Recent Vince Grippi column

Regarding Vince Grippi’s Oct. 2 column, (“No offense - PAC-12 crew”), he comments on commercials by local businesses shown during the game. He finds them so distasteful that he urges viewers to do anything but watch them. Just a reminder to Vince: those local businesses and their advertising pays his salary by advertising in his employers newspaper and on their TV station. Production values may not be up to Vince’s standards but without that advertising revenue his clever bon mots would have a much more limited audience.

Richard League


Commissioners meeting

The county commissioners decision to sue the DOT over Camp Hope wasn’t on the board agenda (“County to sue WSDOT over camp’s ‘nuisance’ conditions,” Oct. 5)? How many other issues do they discuss without following the Open Meeting Act? Odd, French states “everybody will have their day in court and we’ll let the judge decide.” How do the residents of Spokane County have their “day” with the current board? Again, to quote French, “we can do better than this.” As the taxpayers of Spokane County, we can do better with other commissioners. Remember his words when you cast your ballot.

Daisy Grant


More campaign gas

Campaign season, which means plenty of entertaining hyperbole and twisted spins! Let’s get started!

As usual the GOP is blaming Biden for everything. No, really, everything. First up, Joe’s raising gas prices and restricting our God-given energy production. Well, from the Washington Post, Aug. 8: “Recent second quarter earnings reports proffered eye popping figures: BP posted second quarter profits worth $8.5 billion, its biggest windfall in 14 years. ExxonMobil … $17.9 billion in net income was its largest ever quarterly profit. U.S. company Chevron, London based Shell and France’s TotalEnergies also recorded blockbuster results. Put together, these five major companies made $55 billion this past quarter, as hundreds of millions of people around the world bore the brunt of surging prices at the pump.”

You mean it wasn’t Joe and the Dems?! Wow!

Further, on Oct. 5, the Post reported OPEC and Russia are planning to cut back production to keep oil prices inflated.

Joe is restricting energy production? Whoa nelly! Major oil companies are sitting on hundreds of oil leases they’ve already won, but not even planning to start extracting oil anytime soon.

Finally, ask any GOP candidate one simple, yes or no question: “Did Joe Biden win a free and fair election?” Their response will tell you all you need to know. And good luck getting a simple yes or no answer.

Patrick Conley


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