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Letters for Tuesday, Oct. 4

Tom Arkoosh for Idaho attorney general

Idaho’s great AG Lawrence Wasden will leave office in November. Our latent Congressional Rep. Raul Labrador, whose failed performance in office extended to a failed gubernatorial bid, won Idaho’s GOP closed primary this spring. Wasden saved Idaho many legal battles which Labrador doesn’t have the acumen to handle. Labrador spoke his ignorance in Lewiston during the governor’s race, “No one dies from lack of access to health care.”

My decade long experience with Congressman Labrador over the Lochsa land exchange, showed his character. He was the most resistant member of our congressional delegation to acknowledge the land exchange scam despite overwhelming opposition from forest service employees and all valuing public lands access. Sen. Risch finally listened, yet Labrador refused to attend scheduled meetings with public stakeholders.

Thankfully Idaho native Tom Arkoosh is on the ballot, an Independent on the Democratic ticket. Tom’s legal skill will maintain Wasden’s honorable professionalism, save taxpayer dollars and be a trusted seat on the State Land Board. Tom’s strong qualifications in water law are integral for Idaho moving forward. No comparable skills are shared by his opponent.

Regardless of your political party, vote Arkoosh on Nov. 8.

Marilyn Beckett


Retain Mark Burrows, Stevens County commissioner

I ask that you retain Mark Burrows as Stevens County commissioner from District 2.

I have known Mark for two decades, both in his role as a senior executive in public safety and as your county commissioner.

Mark is not the kind of person to pat himself on the back for accomplishments. He possesses what we call “quiet professionalism,” always thinking ahead, always ensuring a high level of service to others and always giving credit to those who work hard on your behalf.

I know him to be personally dedicated to consistently improving the quality of life for residents and businesses. He is skilled at ensuring that all county departments work together to benefit you, your families, your neighborhoods and your businesses.

I know him to be a consummate gentleman, focused on always doing the right things on behalf of those he serves and dedicated to making the best use on your behalf of the hard earned tax dollars entrusted to county government.

Please consider staying the course with your proven representative with a proven track record. Please retain Mark Burrows as your county commissioner.

Stephen Kent

Oro Valley, Arizona

French works for agriculture

Highline Grain Growers, Inc. endorses Al French for reelection as our most valuable Spokane County commissioner. We rely upon those with vision to keep our own lives on the trajectory we envision for ourselves. Commissioner French has spent his time in office guiding our region to an ever more prosperous future. For those of us who have dedicated our lives to agriculture, we depend upon our elected officials to understand our world and can recognize those who have the same level of dedication as we do. Al French has proven to be the type of leader that we can count on, often when there is no one else to turn to for help.

From agriculture, to industry, to the environment where we all work and play, our region owes Al French an incalculable debt in making Spokane County one of America’s best places to live. His tremendous understanding of our region’s interconnectivity combined with his long-term vision is rare and is all too often undervalued. We rely upon our elected officials to have our best interests in mind and to make decisions consistent with a prosperous future for our families and our neighbors. Al French is just such a leader. I encourage those who think about our world in a multi generational way, like we in agriculture do, to vote for someone who has dedicated his life to improving ours. Vote for Al French.

Paul Katovich

CEO of HighLine Grain Growers, Inc.

Waterville, Washington


Following the FBI retrieval of Top Secret SI/TK/HCS-P/Nuclear documents and 48 empty folders with classified banners at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence, Trump has become totally delusional. On Aug. 29, he called to be immediately named president again or hold a do over election.

MAGA Republicans, you absolutely need to read the 92-page report issued by eight notable conservative Republicans at In the detailed report they share the results of their investigations into the claims of Trump and his advocates regarding fraud and miscount in the 2020 presidential election. Their conclusion is unequivocal: Joe Biden won the election.

Attorney General Garland has stated that “no one is above the law.” I can’t wait until after the fall elections for the Department of Justice to act on their investigations.

Donald Trump needs to be indicted and tried under Title 18 U.S. Code § 793, a subsection of the Espionage Act related to gathering, transmitting, or losing defense information; Title 18 U.S. Code § 2071, relating to concealment, removal, or mutilation of government records; Title 18 U.S. Code § 1519, relating to destruction, alteration or falsification of records in federal investigations and bankruptcy; or Title 18 U.S. Code § 1503 which relates to the obstruction of justice.

If convicted, Trump should be sentenced to serve his time at the Alcatraz of the Rockies joining Robert Hanssen who was convicted of espionage. The supermax cell won’t be as opulent as Mar-a-Lago.

Mike McCarty


Cathy McMorris Rodgers

Thank you, editor of The Spokesman-Review. By printing so many letters against Cathy McMorris Rodgers, you give me all the reasons to vote for her.

Warren Walker


Thanks, Ozzy

Finally, an adult in the room! Thank you, Ozzy. For your competence, insight and service.

Steve Backlund


Tiffany Smiley for U.S. Senate

This US Army veteran and registered nurse is supporting Tiffany Smiley for U.S. Senate.

To end the mess in D.C., the previous generation of old senators within both parties need to go.

Join with me supporting a fresh, next generation, Tiffany Smiley for U.S. Senate.

Mike Cloke


Bipartisan letter of support for Tom Arkoosh

We are supporting Tom Arkoosh for Idaho’s next attorney general.

We have both known Tom for many years. Tom grew up in Gooding and has spent his professional career in Idaho serving Idaho’s citizens.

Wendy was in the House of Representatives for many years and got to know Tom who was in her legislative district. He was a good source on water and agricultural issues. Tom has had years of experience in dealing with state agencies on licensing issues as well as the rule making and regulatory processes. Wendy worked with Tom on some of these issues.

Chuck as a farmer and state senator, spent many years working on water issues for the state of Idaho. Chuck found Tom to be knowledgeable, fair and honest in the search for collaborative solutions to Idaho’s water issues.

We believe that Tom is the right person for the job. He’s thoughtful, a good listener and has incredibly broad public and private experience. He has served as a county prosecutor and litigator, but what both of us like about Tom is that he is a proven believer in the rule of law, which our democracy is founded on. He will be the people’s lawyer, not beholden to groups with far right agendas.

We urge you to vote early, starting Oct. 17, or on election day Nov. 8. Make your vote count. Vote for Tom Arkoosh for attorney general.

Wendy Jaquet and Chuck Coiner


Catholic Charities vs. Spokane for Safe Neighborhoods

“This lawsuit is frivolous and completely without merit. We see it not only as a suit against Catholic Charities, but a suit against the poor, the vulnerable and the homeless of our community.” This was the response from Catholic Charities to a lawsuit brought by Spokane for Safe Neighborhoods. Those suing objected to the conversion of the old Quality Inn, at the top of Sunset Hill, into housing for the homeless. It is scheduled to house 100 men and women. A judge agreed with Catholic Charities and tossed the suit.

The Catholic Diocese of Spokane owns considerable property. Bishop White Seminary, Immaculate Heart Retreat Center, parish churches and schools. Gonzaga, a Jesuit university operating within the diocese, holds a location central to many services. Yet Catholic Charities chooses a neighborhood, without any Catholic ties or services to embrace this project. Surely, the Catholics could lead by example. Build dorm for the homeless on Gonzaga’s campus. Better yet, integrate the homeless into the existing dorms. After all, Catholic Charities says there will be a vetting process. Catholic Charities is known for being a “good” neighbor. Just ask the businesses located near Pacific and Browne.

I wonder if the situation were reversed and property near the bishop’s home or Rob McCann’s was the chosen recipient of this project, what the judge would have ruled. In Spokane, if you are investing in a home, make sure it’s next to a City Council member or perhaps Gonzaga.

Susan Johns


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