100 years ago in Ferry County: Election misconduct alleged

Ferry County was the scene of an election misconduct probe involving the county treasurer and the sheriff.
A group of Ferry County citizens filed a protest challenging the primary results, in which John W. McCool was nominated for county treasurer and Thomas F. Barker was nominated for re-election as sheriff.
The Barker nomination was particularly controversial, since Barker was facing federal charges of aiding and conspiring with bootleggers.
The protesters wanted to prohibit the county auditor from placing McCool and Barker on the general election ballot.
The protesters’ attorney alleged misconduct on the part of the canvassing board and election officers in six county precincts. The attorney also alleged that two precincts were formed “in an irregular and unlawful manner.”
From the World Series beat: An estimated 1,500 Spokane baseball fans gathered on a grandstand erected on the street outside of the Chronicle building and “saw” the exciting first game of the 1922 World Series between the New York Yankees and the New York Giants.
“Heard” would be the more accurate word. The Associated Press wired the results of every pitch, and a Chronicle man then “megaphoned” the details from a window to the crowd waiting below. The Spokane throng “went wild” when John McGraw’s Giants won the game 3-2 with an exciting rally.
Also on this date
(From onthisday.com)
1957: Soviet Union launches Sputnik I, the first artificial Earth satellite, into elliptical low Earth orbit.