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Letters for Nov. 29, 2022

Needs better coverage

News flash: Gonzaga has TWO basketball teams. How disappointing to open the sports page Nov. 20 and see not one, but two articles on the upcoming men’s game on the front page, but not a word on the Lady Zags, who the day before had knocked off a ranked Louisville team in the Bahamas tournament. No mention of that game until page 6! Practically the same thing happened again the next day. Yes, the Lady Zags game (an exciting duel to the end over ranked Tennessee in a one point win) made the front page of the sports section, but only a tiny article in the bottom corner of the page, while most coverage went to the men of Gonzaga and WSU.

It’s really disappointing to have the men vs. women bias continue at all, but really sad that even the hometown paper doesn’t give the women the respect they deserve. Wise up, Spokesman. Gonzaga has two teams worthy of good coverage!

Sheryl and Larry Krauser


What should be the priority?

$973,000 to paint crosswalks and murals? Is it April Fools Day?

Meanwhile Hope House is closing part of its building due to a lack of funds. What is more important? Painted concrete that will soon wear off due to traffic and snowplows, or a warm and safe place for women to live?

Let’s all buy a can of paint and donate it to the city. Zach Zappone can supply the labor and the city can donate $973,000 to Hope House. We can’t afford to throw money away on foolish ideas when people are suffering in the winter. Pretty crosswalks will not keep them warm and safe.

Myrna McElwaim

Spokane Valley

My father, Archie Rutherford

My father died 40 years ago. He was murdered. Brutally. The Spokesman-Review published an extensive grotesquely detailed account of his murder on Nov. 10 (“Police arrest man in decades-old cold case). The account read like it was lifted from a salacious tabloid. My father was a very kind, very gentle and loving man. He was a wonderful supportive father. He was enormously hard working (seven days a week for many many years when he owned and managed the two Triple XXX drive-ins.) My dad had a very bad night (haven’t we all?). His ended tragically.

Please, please don’t let my father’s one bad night overshadow the fact that he was a generous, kind, loving, fun, talented, caring, gentle and sweet man.

Stanley Rutherford

Camp Meeker, California

Rich people at Tom’s Turkey Drive

I watch the videos of people getting free food from Tom’s Turkey drive. I was ashamed to watch all those people with $30,000-$40,000 cars grabbing up food they obviously can afford, thereby denying people who actually need a little help from some holiday cheer.

Bob Malone


Midterm election results

By most accounts, the Democrats scored an impressive victory in the midterm elections. With pre-election polls showing the usual defeat of the party in control at the midterms, the Democrats surprised pollsters and others.

Even though they lost control of the House by a narrow margin, they did regain control of the Senate. And a number of state and local races were won against Republicans backed by Donald Trump.

The Democrats achieved this victory by combining the votes of many women and others rebelling against the conservative Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade, and younger and minority voters turning out in greater than predicted numbers.

The election showed strong support of measures achieved by President Biden’s administration in his first two years. They eclipsed anything Trump achieved in four years, including the American Rescue Plan, helping us and our economy recover from COVID and a badly needed infrastructure improvement bill that never got out of Trump’s office when he was president …

These midterm election results will give Democratic candidates a real boost in the next election, especially with Trump announcing he will run again in 2024.

Jim Ramsey


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