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Letters for Nov. 16, 2022

Colorful crosswalks, motorcyclists beware

Note to the City Council and their approval of painted artwork at some city street crossroads, they are extremely slippery when wet and an extreme hazard to motorcyclists. Especially when applying power to complete a turn. I suggest the council ask the members of the police department’s motorcycle unit who would have first hand knowledge of the safety of painting artwork or any painted symbols at intersections. Painted crosswalks are a safety hazard enough without adding more at intersections. Do your homework, council members.

Don Nichols


Murder states?

Election over? Finally! Shawn Vestal’s quarterly gun control rant again uses a source no one has heard of. In this case, Third Way, a liberal group, liberal staff, using liberal sources, no bias there. They didn’t use FBI stats, instead used state sources, some from state government and others, well, in Oregon they used KOIN, a radio/TV station. Kind of like using KIRO in Seattle for all of Washington.

But to call states that voted for Trump “murder states”? I’ve heard of murder weapon, victim, site, but state? If people legally voted for Trump in a murder state, aren’t they accessories to murder? Reminds me of when the Nazis called the British navy “murder ships.” Where would you feel safer, in July? Pineville, Wyoming (a murder state), or South Side Chicago, Illinois (a kumbaya state)? They compare San Francisco with Jacksonville, but fail to tell which one: Florida, Texas, Oregon, North Carolina and more. Sloppy work.

He listed many shootings but failed to mention Waukesha, Wisconsin. Oops, they were killed by an SUV at a parade. Vehicle deaths don’t count, only shootings. Las Vegas, October, two dead, six wounded, a mass stabbing, sorry, doesn’t count. Both in kumbaya states. Gun controllers refuse to believe people can find ways of mass killing without guns. Example: worst mass attack ever? Toyko, 1995, 13 dead, 5,500 injured; cause: nerve agent. Worst school event: Bath, Michigan, 1927, 44 killed, 56 wounded; cause: bomb. Really, Shawn, you can do so much better; i.e., Alex Jones.

Steven Stuart


Misinformation on the worst slaughter of Native Americans

I read with interest the reprinted article from the Washington Post, “This was the worst slaughter of Native Americans in U.S. history, but few remember it,” which appeared in the Nov. 6 Spokesman-Review.

While the article was informative, it contained some misinformation that derives from Mormon propaganda. The claim that the battle was motivated by Indians killing miners is false. Actually, there is extensive evidence supported by numerous military reports found in public records, that Mormons dressed as Indians likely killed the miners as part of a large scale terror campaign. I detail those records in my book, “Massacre Rocks: A Campaign of Deception.”

Dave Lundgren


Please go away, Donald!

While I agree with most of former President Trump’s policies and decisions, I have finally reached the point where I agree that his negative influence on the Republican Party has got to stop.

Personality of a candidate hasn’t ever been a big deal to me. By definition, anyone running for office is somewhere on the narcissistic scale already. But, he single handedly lost the 2020 election with his mouth and did it again here in 2022. His looming backdrop cost Republicans the small number of votes needed to win so many more seats! They didn’t vote against the candidate; they voted against Trump. We cannot allow him to negatively influence a third-straight election cycle.

I’m now convinced his hubris won’t allow him to fix this himself, it has to come from others. Please disavow support for Trump if you love this country and want our conservative values restored.

Dave Knecht


Hope House

Shame on Spokane if the Hope House is allowed to close or even services cut back! This is such an important facility for women in our community. I cannot believe that we would allow this to happen! What is our mayor and City Council thinking? The money must be found! Women need it, and we need to be responsive to that need. How did we allow this to be such a situation?

Martha Nerpel


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