Letters for Nov. 14, 2022
Russia in the United Nations
Russia is one of just five permanent members of the Security Council in the United Nations. Any one of those five can veto any action brought before that council, regardless of the urgings of the vast majority of nations. Putin has used that role to block important initiatives favored by most countries in the world. There is a way to change that. Russia can be kicked out of that council!
Fifty-one years ago, Taiwan represented China and was one of the five permanent members of the council. The majority of the countries supported mainland China to replace Taiwan as the Chinese representative. The necessary actions were taken in accordance with existing U.N. regulations and Taiwan was voted out.
That can be replicated again with Russia which by her actions against Ukraine does not deserve to hold veto power over the rest of the world’s representatives. Please contact your congressional persons to urge the U.S. take the lead to move Russia off the U.N. Security Council.
Bob Gregson
Hypocrisy much?
I find it quite interesting that the same people who are ranting against Biden’s student loan forgiveness initiative raised no objection over the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans enacted by the Bush and Trump administrations. I guess they are OK with helping the wealthy and corporations who don’t actually need it, rather than helping ordinary Americans who do.
Michael Dague